Improving Cosmetic Quality in the Automotive Design Process Stephen Taylor MPhil Study CAD Centre, University of Strathclyde
RPD2001Improving Cosmetic Quality in the Automotive Design Process Stephen Taylor Contents Background MPhil Research Context Design Process Comparison Implementing VITAL Summary Research Background – VITAL Project MPhil Research Automotive Design Process Context Comparison of Automotive Design Process against Published Design Process Improving Cosmetic Quality – Implementing VITAL Summary
RPD2001Improving Cosmetic Quality in the Automotive Design Process Stephen Taylor Research Background Contents Background MPhil Research Context Design Process Comparison Implementing VITAL Summary MPhil study builds on the research conducted within VITAL project. VITAL Project is concerned with the development of tools for the Visualisation of the Impact of Tolerance ALlocation in automotive design. Funded by:Data Supplied by: Supported by:
RPD2001Improving Cosmetic Quality in the Automotive Design Process Stephen Taylor Hardware Centred Development Software Centred Development VITAL is assessing cosmetic quality Future Product Development & VITAL Project
RPD2001Improving Cosmetic Quality in the Automotive Design Process Stephen Taylor Overall Goal Contents Background MPhil Research Context Design Process Comparison Implementing VITAL Summary To enable multi-disciplinary design teams To visualise the external aspects of an automobile Within a realistic model of the physical environment At conceptual design stage
RPD2001Improving Cosmetic Quality in the Automotive Design Process Stephen Taylor Cosmetic Quality Contents Background MPhil Research Context Design Process Comparison Implementing VITAL Summary Can loosely be defined as the “Look” of the product. How can Cosmetic Quality be consistently assessed when it has no agreed definition? Considers Gap and flushness. Can dramatically affect customer perception of the product.
RPD2001Improving Cosmetic Quality in the Automotive Design Process Stephen Taylor Case Study – Rover 75 Contents Background MPhil Research Context Design Process Comparison Implementing VITAL Summary
RPD2001Improving Cosmetic Quality in the Automotive Design Process Stephen Taylor Cosmetic Quality - Example Contents Background MPhil Research Context Design Process Comparison Implementing VITAL Summary Bad Good
RPD2001Improving Cosmetic Quality in the Automotive Design Process Stephen Taylor Real and Virtual Comparison Real Virtual
RPD2001Improving Cosmetic Quality in the Automotive Design Process Stephen Taylor MPhil Research Contents Background MPhil Research Context Design Process Comparison Implementing VITAL Summary Investigate the implementation opportunities of such technology within both published and applied design/development processes. Compare general published design process models with those applied within the automotive industry. Consider the potential cosmetic quality improvements and business benefits of such technology.
RPD2001Improving Cosmetic Quality in the Automotive Design Process Stephen Taylor Design Process Context Contents Background MPhil Research Context Design Process Comparison Implementing VITAL Summary Two automotive companies targeted for case studies –Rover –Jaguar Investigate the automotive design/development process adopted in terms of, –The stages of the process –Roles and responsibilities –Information flows –Related component/design sub-processes –Departmental structure
RPD2001Improving Cosmetic Quality in the Automotive Design Process Stephen Taylor Rover Design/Development Product Vision Strategy & Planning Concept Definition Concept Development Concept Confirmation Design Development ValidationMaturation 0123 BCDE BUSINESS TEMPLATE PRODUCT TEMPLATE PRODUCT SELECTION D-ZEROD-02 D-1 Target Review VOLUME
RPD2001Improving Cosmetic Quality in the Automotive Design Process Stephen Taylor Design Process Model Comparison Contents Background MPhil Research Context Design Process Comparison Implementing VITAL Summary Compare applied design process models (Jaguar & Rover) with accepted design process models. Similarities, irregularites Where and when is cosmetic quality assessed Stages, tasks where VITAL could be applied
RPD2001Improving Cosmetic Quality in the Automotive Design Process Stephen Taylor Implementing VITAL Contents Background MPhil Research Context Design Process Comparison Implementing VITAL Summary Evaluating VITAL highlighted the following issues: Concern about the number of processes & software tools that would be needed to be integrated. How and where would these processes and tools would be integrated within the automotive design/development process. MPhil study should: Recommend an implementation plan for VITAL. State the areas where VITAL will impact upon in order to drive product cosmetic quality.
RPD2001Improving Cosmetic Quality in the Automotive Design Process Stephen Taylor Summary Contents Background MPhil Research Context Design Process Comparison Implementing VITAL Summary The potential benefits of VITAL are: Business Case –Design process impact Shortened lead times More centralised design teams Earlier consideration of tolerances –Reduced costs Less design re-work Less physical prototypes –Training, process re-organisation Cosmetic Quality –Customer Perception –Higher Build Quality
RPD2001Improving Cosmetic Quality in the Automotive Design Process Stephen Taylor VITAL Demonstration Contents Background MPhil Research Context Design Process Comparison Implementing VITAL Summary
RPD2001Improving Cosmetic Quality in the Automotive Design Process Stephen Taylor QZ Auditing Contents Background MPhil Research Context Design Process Comparison Implementing VITAL Summary QZ - ‘Qualitats Zahl’ - Zero Quality Assess the car from the customers point of view. Make the designer think about quality from the beginning of the design process QZ involves attaching a score to the vehicle being audited. It is a representation of the level of quality. It should be applied as early as possible in the design process.