1 st Vice Cdr – Please welcome our new members: Stephen Cornish, Erik Opdyke, Frank Lennox, Ronald Steinhouse, Daniel Bryant, Michael Murphy, Marwood Lewis, Davis Morrison, James Andrews, Jeremy Terry, Michael Atchison and New Transfers into Post 240: Earl Young, Clarence Smith, Patricia Wright and Christopher Johnson. National sent out the first mailing to remind everyone to pay their 2013 Dues. Thanks to 50% of you who have paid your dues up to now. We need for the rest of you to pay your dues early so we can attain our 100% (968 members). You don’t have to wait until National sends you a notification to pay. Just come into the Post and put your money for 2013 into my Adjutant/Membership box or call me at and I will meet you at the Post and get you your new card. I’m usually at the Post every morning so come by and pay your dues. I’m trying to get our Post at 100% well before the March 2013 goal date. I can’t do it without your support. Don’t forget Member Appreciation Day on Sept 16th at 2:00PM. We will supply the Fried Chicken if you will bring a dish (Pot Luck). Come support your Post and Lounge. For God and Country Jimmy Lee Martin COMMANDER Mike Holdener ADJUTANT Jimmy Martin ST VICE COMMANDER Jimmy Martin ND VICE COMMANDER Vacant 3RD VICE COMMANDER Jake Taffaro FINANCE OFFICER John Edens HISTORIAN vacant SERGEANT-AT-ARMS John Sego CHAPLAIN Stu Baker SERVICE OFFICER Randy McGhee ALR DIRECTOR Richard Raborn SAL COMMANDER Brian Nichols HOUSE COMMITTEE Hal Eyerly John Frenzel Bill Eastman Chuck Krahn POST LOUNGE LADIES AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Edie Herrington CHAPLAIN Mary Kowalski Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 The American Legion Warrington Post Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED FOR GOD AND COUNTRY SEPTEMBER 2012 Post 240 website: The Victor’s Voice Auxiliary – What a fantastic turnout for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation! It was very enjoyable working with the American Legion, SAL & ALR for a very worthy charity. Please come your meetings. Join us every 2 nd 6:30 pm to help plan or volunteer for our next function. Edie Herrington President Unit #240 We lost one member last month, Judy Walker. If you know a member who is ill or in the hospital, please contact me.Mary Kowalski Chaplain, Ph# rd Vice Cdr - Wow! What a wonderful turn out and show of response to our August Fish Fry. The new catfish was met and greeted with tremendous success and the proof of that was we ran completely out of food. We actually had twice the numbers that have been averaging for the meals so, we were not as prepared as we could have been had we known what the turnout would be. However, we will be ready for our September fish fry and ready to serve “YOU”. Serving starts at 2:PM and served until food is gone. For God and Country – Jake Taffaro Commander’s Corner – September is a month to remember. I know none of us will ever forget the tragedy that happened when OUR country was attacked for the second time in her history. September 11, 2001 and all the conflicts since then signifies the commitment OUR nation has against terrorist and terrorist supporting countries. Let us not forget that commitment and those who have gave the ultimate sacrifice supporting it. In memory of that event we will be having a ceremony on Tuesday evening for POW/MIAs at I have now had the reins for just over two months and I can feel the vibes at OUR Post. The lounge is full most days and more new faces are there every day. I have heard many good things about OUR Post and most seem to like the path we are taking. I hope to see and meet more of my fellow Comrades there!! If you haven’t been to the Commander’s Kitchen yet, I urge you to come in on any Thursday (rain or shine) from 4pm to 7-ish. Prices are reasonable and everyone seems to enjoy the fare. Please review the monthly calendars as we are coming into the busy season. If you intend on renting the hall, please make your reservations early. As most of you already know, we support the Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts. Now that school has started they will be having their regular meetings in the Bingo hall/Auxiliary Room. In light of that, I want to invite everyone to come in and support Cub Scout Pack 662’s Spaghetti Dinner on 29 September. Remember these children are OUR future leaders. That’s all I have for this month. Be careful, have fun and hope to see you at the finest Post in Florida. For God and Country Mike Holdener Legion Riders, Our next ALR meeting will be on Sept 10 th at 10:00am, please attend. Our next Ride will be on Sept 15 th - this is going to be a Night Ride with registration at 5:00PM. This will be a fun run so let’s all come out and support this event. We need all Riders to come out and help support the Post and their projects. I would like to add a special thanks to all that helped and supported our Special Operations Warrior ride in July especially the Commander for all their work. Don’t forget to renew your Post and Rider dues for For God and Country Richard Raborn Dir