Passionate Pirate Worksheet Assignment 2
Content Passion The topics I have enjoyed studying and are looking forward to teaching are animal science, welding, and natural resources. I know this is an extremely broad range but there are reasons for my passions for each. The animals science passion stems from growing up and showing production animals. My passion for welding is odd. I like the challenge of welding. I enjoy seeing the improvement, practicality, and the creativity that come from a skill that is taught in a classroom. Lastly, natural resources is something I am passionate about because it is important for the future. Natural resources is a topic that all students can relate to and can be taught outside of agricultural courses. Within your subject matter, what are you passionate about teaching? In other words, of all the topics and standards you teach as part of your curriculum, which are the ones you most enjoy?
Professional Passion What drives me are the thirst students have to want more. More knowledge, more experiences, more opportunities. Students drink the kool aid and now they they want more. I said in my first assignment that it only takes one spark, well this students eagerness can for that spark. Within your profession, but not specific to your subject matter, what are you passionate about? What is it about being an educator that drives you? What ignites a fire inside of you?
Personal Passion I am passionate about athletics. Recently exhausting my eligibility as a Penn State Student Athlete I have committed 10 full years to field hockey. I thrive on competition, teamwork, hard work, and the relationships, all of which athletics has given me. In addition I am passionate about coaching. I enjoy the strategic side to coaching as well as “teaching” in a different style. Another personal passion I have is traveling. There is no where I would not travel to. I have been to seven different countries and a variety of states and each time I return, I am want another chance to travel. Completely outside of your profession, what are you passionate about?