The Hydrogen Economy Tõnu Malsub (TTÜ)
The Hydrogen Economy The global dependence on fossil fuels as the primary energy source has had many serious consequences over recent years and clear evidence now exists that it is the root cause of contemporary problems such as air pollution, global warming. Even without such adverse effects, the use of fossil fuels cannot continue indefinitely as their reserves are finite and are rapidly being depleted. Consumption is increasing with both population and industrialization, and is expected to double from present levels by the year Debate continues as to the actual reserves we have and when they will finally be exhausted, but the one incontrovertible fact is that the reserves will cease to be economic to extract at some time in the not too distant future. Alternatives are desperately needed! The global dependence on fossil fuels as the primary energy source has had many serious consequences over recent years and clear evidence now exists that it is the root cause of contemporary problems such as air pollution, global warming. Even without such adverse effects, the use of fossil fuels cannot continue indefinitely as their reserves are finite and are rapidly being depleted. Consumption is increasing with both population and industrialization, and is expected to double from present levels by the year Debate continues as to the actual reserves we have and when they will finally be exhausted, but the one incontrovertible fact is that the reserves will cease to be economic to extract at some time in the not too distant future. Alternatives are desperately needed!
President's Hydrogen Fuel Initiative: A Clean and Secure Energy Future "A simple chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen generates energy, which can be used to power a car producing only water, not exhaust fumes. With a new national commitment, our scientists and engineers will overcome obstacles to taking these cars from laboratory to showroom so that the first car driven by a child born today could be powered by hydrogen, and pollution-free. Join me in this important innovation to make our air significantly cleaner, and our country much less dependent on foreign sources of energy.“ — President Bush, State of the Union Address, January 28, 2003
Three functional stages Production Production Storage Storage Use Use Plus safety issues
Why? Oil based Economy has to be replaced by clean and efficient alternative, or else... Oil based Economy has to be replaced by clean and efficient alternative, or else...
Oil Tankers
How big are they? The largest tanker in the world, the Jahre Viking, formally known as the Seawise Giant, is 1504 feet long and 226 feet wide. The largest tanker in the world, the Jahre Viking, formally known as the Seawise Giant, is 1504 feet long and 226 feet wide. These vessels are so large that crew members often use bicycles to travel from one point to another on the ship. These vessels are so large that crew members often use bicycles to travel from one point to another on the ship.
How Many? Large tankers can carry as much as 2,000,000 barrels of oil
US Soldiers
Death and R.I.P.
Hydrogen Roadmaps United States of America United States of America Japan Japan European Union European Union India India China China Canada Canada Iceland Iceland... even Havaii... even Havaii
Small Projects Green Island International (BVI) Limited (“Green Island”) has plans in Hong Kong Green Island International (BVI) Limited (“Green Island”) has plans in Hong Kong design and install a 200 kW hydrogen power systemdesign and install a 200 kW hydrogen power system The Chewonki Renewable Hydrogen Project The Chewonki Renewable Hydrogen Project Wallace Avenue Sustainable Hydrogen (WASH) Project Wallace Avenue Sustainable Hydrogen (WASH) Project
Links gen/Japan.htm gen/Japan.htm