Consider the Future of Crude Oil Petroleum will not be available forever. A post-carbon energy economy will not happen overnight. Transitions from petroleum to renewable resources will come from multiple sources – it is unlikely that there will be one big breakthrough that will solve the problem.
Currently Crude Oil refining/drilling threatens the environment, and desires to recover oil reserves heightens national interests & political involvement. Crude Oil provides 35% of power on Earth. More than 95% of the vehicles on Earth run on petroleum. (15-20% of cars run on biofuel or are hybrids)
Why Crude Oil is an excellent energy source. Crude Oil has a high energy density, and requires less energy to produce or refine it. EROEI – Energy Returned On Energy Invested Crude oil has an EROEI of 30:1. By compairison, corn-based ethanol has an EROEI of less than 2:1.
Petroleum, natural gas and coal presently supply 83% of our energy. These fossil fuels must eventually be replaced by sustainable, renewable, non- polluting sources such as those presently supplying the remaining 17% of our energy. Such as… Nuclear Biomass Hydroelectric Wind Geothermal Solar Hydrogen
It will take an estimated 2 trillion BOE (Barrels of Oil Equivalent) to make the transition to clean, sustainable energy.
TRANSITION BOE Recovery using new technology – [This includes recovery from old, abandoned wells, ultra deep and off shore wells.] est. 1 trillion BOE Shale oil – est. 3 trillion BOE Coal – est. 1.5 trillion BOE Heavy oil (ie. tar sands) – est. 1 to 2 trillion BOE. Natural gas – est. 1 trillion BOE
Transition and Alternative Energy Resources Recovery using new technology Shale Oil Coal Heavy Oil Natural Gas Nuclear Power Wind Power Biomass Hydroelectric Geothermal Solar Hydrogen