Mollusk & Echino Jeopardy Mollusca General Mollusca Classification Echinodermata General Echinodermata Classification Pictures Final Jeopardy
What is the name of the layer of cells in mollusks that creates the shell? 2
Mantle 3
4 What is the name of the rasping tongue with teeth found in many mollusks?
5 Radula
6 These are special cells found in some mollusks that allow them to alter the appearance of their skin?
7 Chromatophores
8 How do pearls form and how do you get the three major colors of pearl?
9 A grain of sand is caught in between the shell and the mantle and shell is layered over the sand over time. White – Calcium Pink – Potassium Black - Magnesium
10 What is C, A, N, & G
11 C – GillsA – Excurrent Siphon N – CoelomG – Palps
12 Name 4 members of Class Bivalvia
13 Clams, Mussels, Oysters, Scallops, & Shipworms
14 Name the four Cephalopods
15 Squid, Octopus, Cuttlefish, & Nautilis
16 Snails belong to which Class of Phylum Mollusca?
17 Gastropoda
18 Chitons are the sole members of which Molluscan Class?
19 Polyplacophora
20 Describe how the following mollusks obtain their food… Clams Squid Cone Snails Slugs
21 Clams – filter feeding via siphons Squid – use their beaks to rip off flesh Cone Snails – use venomous harpoons to snag prey Slugs – eat plant material with radula
22 Are Echinoderms protostomes or deuterostomes?
23 Deuterostomes
24 Trace the path water takes through all structures of the water vascular system
25 Madreporite Stone Canal Ring Canal Radial Canal Ampullae Tube feet
26 What is the main difference between Echinoderm larvae and adults?
27 Larvae are bilaterally symmetrical Adults are Radially Symmetrical
28 How do the following Echinoderms eat? Sea Stars Sea Cucumbers Brittle Stars
29 Sea Stars – Use tube feet to create suction and pry open mollusk shells Sea Cucumbers – Eat sand and extract organic material Brittle Stars – Suspension feeding by snagging plankton floating by
30 What is G, L, B, & I
31 G – AmpullaL – Stomach B – GillsI – Digestive Gland
32 What type of animal is found in Class Asteroidea?
33 Sea Stars
34 What type of animal is found in Class Holothuroidea?
35 Sea Cucumbers
36 Brittle Stars & Basket Stars belong to which Class of Phylum Echinodermata?
37 Ophiuroidea
38 Sea Lilies & Feather Stars belong to which Class of Phylum Echinodermata?
39 Crinoidea
40 What major anatomical difference exists between sea stars versus brittle stars, basket stars, & sea lilies?
41 Sea Stars contain most of their vital organs in each arm The other group has all their organs contained within the central disk
37 Whelk & Conch
45 Cone Snail & Tusk Shell
47 Limpet & Chiton
49 Nudibranch & Cuttlefish
51 Feather Star & Abalone
52 What organisms are in the following Classes? Trematoda Oligochaeta Hexactinellida Anthozoa Turbellaria Hirudinea
53 Trematoda - Flukes Oligochaeta - Earthworms Hexactinellida - Glass Sponges Anthozoa - Corals & Anemones Turbellaria - Planarians Hirudinea - Leeches