QUESTION Which type of wood is the strongest?
RESEARCH Strength is the ability to resist applied stress Once maximum stress is reaches, failure occurs Stress is measure in pounds per square inch(psi) Purple Heart is a hardwood that is very heavy, strong and stiff with good decay resistance. Oak is a hardwood that is hard, strong and stiff and little natural decay. Maple is a hardwood that is moderately heavy, hard, strong and stiff with low decay resistance Cherry is a hardwood that is very hard and heavy with high decay resistance. Pine is a softwood with love decay resistance.
HYPOTHESIS I think if I test by dropping 5 different types of wood; purple heart, pine, cherry, black maple and oak, oak will be the strongest.
PROCEDURE Step 1: Get 5 different types of wood Step 2: Cut wood to exact same size and length, 1 inch by 1inch by 12 inches. Have at least 5 samples of each type wood. Step 3: Tape a yard stick to a wall for measuring. Step 4: Drop each type of wood starting with 10 inches. Log if it breaks or not. Continue dropping until it breaks. Repeat experiment 2 more times.
CONCLUSION I wondered which wood was the strongest because my grandfather will only build things using oak. He said it was because it was a strong wood that would last. I decided to test this to see if in fact, oak is the strongest wood. My grandfather supplied 5 different types of wood for me to test. After multiple tests, I was surprised to discover that purple heart was the strongest wood.
Got Questions? What is the purpose of the question? Which type of wood do you predict will be the strongest? Why do I write a Hypothesis? Why is it important that I am accurate in writing my procedure? What were the results of the experiment? In conclusion, which wood was the strongest?
WORK CITED California Content Standards State Standards listed by subjects and grade levels Wood Bin Definitions of wood strengths Messman’s Woodworking A table that provides laboratory values for several properties of wood that are associated with wood strength. Messman’s Woodworking Information is given on many different types of wood. Find out if a specific wood is a hardwood or a soft wood. Specific details are given about how the wood is used.