Stump the teachers Lori Demo, Ball State University, July 7, 2003ASNE Journalism Institute
Who WhatWhen Where
Principal Ima Tightwad said the school would cut the music program. Music is not as important as journalism, the Principal said. Capitalize formal titles before a name; do not capitalize titles when they stand alone.
Jennifer Sarah Smith, vice president, said the Student Council would vote Tuesday on the proposal to cancel Homecoming. Place short titles before the name and capitalize: Vice President Jennifer Sara Smith said...
Basketball coach Stump McKenzie is leaving Griffith High School to take a job at Ball State University. When followed by a name, capitalize formal titles; do not capitalize job descriptions.
History teacher Stephen Ambrose is the new adviser for the Tattoo Club. Mr. Ambrose said he was qualified for the job because he has 17 tattoos. On second reference use a person’s last name only. Use courtesy titles only if a woman specifically requests it.
Future Farmers of America Vice President Grant Wood placed first in a national competition last week. Put long titles (three words or more) after the name: Grant Wood, Future Farmers of America president, placed first...
Manny Lopez, LaTesha Bryant, and Jane Miller will represent the school at the contest. Do not use a comma before the and in a series.
James Woo’s the new captain of the cross country team. Avoid using contractions – especially those that can be read as possessives or those that readers are not used to seeing.
Organizers expect over 200 couples to attend the prom. More than is a adjective; over is a preposition.
“We will install fifty new computers before the new school year begins,” the principal said. As a general rule, use figures for amounts of 10 and more and spell out amounts from zero through nine. Exceptions: ages, percentages, temperatures.
Lamarr Jackson sent out an message announcing his new Web site on the Internet. Correct AP style are exceptions to Webster’s preferences: , Web site.
When the school year begins next fall, classes will begin at 8:30 a.m. instead of 8 AM. Use a.m. and p.m. Avoid repetition: 7 p.m. Thursday night.
The next Summer Olympics will be August 13 to 29 in Athens, Greece. When used with a specific date, abbreviate Feb., Aug., Oct., Nov. and Dec.
Members of the ASNE Summer Institute began their two-week session Sunday, July 6 with a hot bus ride and a cold dinner. Use the specific day of the week (always spelled out) to identify something that occurred or will occur within six days before or after the publication date. Note: Do not use yesterday, today or tomorrow.
Rosa Sanchez, the new history department chair, has taught at Ourtown High School since August, When there is no specific date, do not put a comma between the month and the year.
The editor was born August 19, 1965 in China, where his parents worked for the U.S. government. When the year is added to the day and month, set it off by commas, both before and after:... August 19, 1965, in...
The dance will be at 7 p.m. Oct. 7 at Oak Hill Country Club, 2205 E. Success Street. With a street number, abbreviate directions (N., S., E., W.,) and St., Ave. and Blvd. (think STAB).
When you use one word to refer to two streets with the same designation (street, avenue, road), that word no longer is a proper noun so it is not capitalized. The entrance to the new gymnasium will be at State and Jackson Streets.
He lived in Rochester, Minn., before moving to Rochester, NY. When used with a city, state names should be set off by commas (before and after) and abbreviated according to AP style under state names. Do not use postal abbreviations.
She has lived in Kansas City, Mo.; Denver; and Arlington, Texas. Some cities take no state designation because they are so well known (see datelines).
She has lived on East Maple St. in cities in Alabama, Ohio and Florida. When no street number is used, spell out all the words.
Final Stump
The Adams County School Board is considering a proposal to move its offices to 1701 N.W. Washington St. They are scheduled to vote on the proposal at their next meeting, which will be Aug. 12. Singular nouns take singular pronouns. Note this is a grammar point, not an AP point.
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