Dead or alive ??!! … Erika & Patrizia …
… this story begins when … … we were trying to produce the KMP dst’s for 2004 data … reproduce the List oh the DC hits DTCE and DHRE1 banks To produce KMP dst’s we MUST re-track … that means -> to reproduce the List oh the DC hits DTCE and DHRE1 banks !!!! So we had to cope with a different path of datarec modules w.r.t data RAW2DTCE 1) produces DTCE banks 2) masks HOT channels from DB2 3) does NOT mask DEAD channels RAW2DTCE 1)produces DTCE banksDCDELETE 1) masks HOT channels from DB2 2) masks DEAD channels from DB2 HOT wires from DC triplets N.B. HOT wires from DC triplets DEAD wires from TRKMON DEAD wires from TRKMON 2002 data 2004 data
... production of KPM dst’s … the list of the DC hits “works” calling RAW2DTCE & DCDELETE with the proper talk-to … reproducing the list of the DC hits “works” calling RAW2DTCE & DCDELETE with the proper talk-to BUT … BUT … looking at the log files we found: RUN # of dead wires found 2080 RUN # of dead wires found 2106 RUN # of dead wires found 2153 RUN # of dead wires found 2165 Traditional definition of DEAD wire Traditional definition of DEAD wire : 1) no response when pre-card pulsed 2) HV card or channel not working … constantly monitored by the DC triplet … TRKMON definition of DEAD wire ( Inserted in DB2) TRKMON definition of DEAD wire ( Inserted in DB2) : Wire with efficiency < 30% N.B. inefficient wires are NOT dead wires !!!! efficiency is evaluated without DCTRIPS and used in the MC 2002 simulation 15% of DC is masked is masked
Where are the “dead” wires … ??? 2000 masked wires 500 masked wires
Which is the effect the “dead” wires … ??? Run #29000 with 2090 “dead” wires N TAG ( ) N TAG ( ) 5% of the tags are lost masking the dead wires 7% of the tags are lost masking the dead wires
So now… what can be done ? For 2005 data taking Insert in DB2 the list of real dead wires from DC triplet Run TRKMON with DCTRIPS to obtain reliable efficiencies to be used in MC For 2004 data Scratch the existing list of dead wires in DB2 and insert the list of real dead wires from 2004 DC triplet Reprocess 2004 data (at least for KPM stream!) Run off-line TRKMON with DCTRIPS to obtain reliable efficiencies to be used in 2004 MC For 2002 MC Scratch the existing list of dead wires in DB2 and insert the list of real dead wires from 2002 DC triplet (need to run off-line DEADCHANNELS on the archived files PRE,ADS and DCH to reproduce the list) Run off-line TRKMON with DCTRIPS to obtain reliable efficiencies to be used in MC HAVE FUN !!!!!!