Public Speaking Course Details
Public Speaking School Year, Spring Semester Monday – 10:00 to 11:45 AM Wednesday – 2:00 to 3:45 PM Room B205 Weeks 1 to 16
Teacher Information Teacher: Wayne Harbuziuk Web page:
Grading System Attendance10 points Class Participation10 points Speech 1 10 points Speech 2 10 points Speech 3 10 points Speech 4 10 points Speech 5 10 points Final Speech 30 points Total 100 points
Attendance Times Points Miss class:0 or FAIL!!!
Assignments Speeches will generally be 5 minutes in length, except for impromptu speeches, which will be approximately 2 to 3 minutes in length. Students will be able to choose their own topics (except for the Impromptu Speech). However, the topics must be appropriate for the types of speeches: Speech 1 Informative Speech 2 Persuasive Speech 3 Persuasive Speech 4 Persuasive / Impromptu Speech 5 Informative / Entertaining Final Speech Persuasive
Participation Students are expected to enthusiastically participate in all class activities. This includes answering the teacher’s questions, asking questions and offering comments, and doing in- class tasks. You will also be required to provide feedback to your fellow classmates after their speeches. This will be the most significant aspect of participation.