General Education Time line Faculty Council September 20, 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

General Education Time line Faculty Council September 20, 2007

General Education Learning Outcomes Time Line January / February 2007 – Gen Ed plan presented to the CLC and the Faculty Council for consent / approval – IAC for input March 2007 – Gen Ed Plan sent to all faculty as general information March 2007 – Survey faculty about the skills our General Education Program ought to focus on as learning outcomes – 130 Faculty Participated

General Education Learning Outcomes Time Line Late March / Early April 2007 – Faculty Forums on the nature of our General Education Program – A total of Eight Faculty Forums – Forums focused on Faculty survey responses and the relationship between Gen Ed Outcomes and TVCA Summer 2007 – An Interdisciplinary team of 14 faculty selected by the Faculty Council drafted general education learning outcome statements – Updates on taskforce progress at the mid-point of their work August – Student feedback on Gen Ed outcomes from elected student leadership from all 4 campuses Late August / Early September 2007 – Draft Gen Ed Outcomes distributed college-wide for feedback – 130 have participated in the survey

General Education Learning Outcomes Time Line Late September– Revise Gen Ed outcomes based on College wide survey feedback – Revision of Draft Gen Ed Outcomes to be completed by faculty campus representatives with support from Karen Borglum and Kurt Ewen Linda Villar - Counselor, Winter Park Campus Aaron Powell - Communications, West Campus Carl Creasman - Social Science, East Campus Ray Enger - Business, IT, & Social Sciences, Osceola Campus

General Education Learning Outcomes Time Line October / Early November – The revised draft of the Gen Ed Outcomes are distributed College wide in advance of campus based faculty forums – Forums sponsored in collaboration with Faculty Senate Presidents Early November – The revision team revise the outcomes a second time based upon input from Faculty Forums

General Education Learning Outcomes Time Line November – Revised Gen Ed Outcomes are distributed College wide for review and vote by faculty – College wide faculty vote coordinated / administered by the Faculty Co-Chair of the Curriculum Committee December – Gen Ed Outcomes and Faculty voting results are presented to the Curriculum Committee for consideration and recommendation to the Learning Council

General Education Learning Outcomes Time Line November – February 2008 – Review of Gen Ed program requirements and credit hour distribution in light of Gen Ed Outcomes – Recommendations distributed college wide for review in advance of a faculty summit in late February – Summit results are presented to the Curriculum Committee for consideration and recommendation to the Learning Council – This timeline allows for the inclusion of Gen Ed changes into the 08/09 college catalogue January – March 2008 – Discipline based conversations about assessable contributions to the General Education Learning Outcomes

General Education Learning Outcomes Time Line April / May 2008 – Based on Discipline consensus, development of a college wide assessment plan for general education learning outcomes