Berni Graham Researcher
Theories about emotional wellbeing underpinning education, eg ◦ Ability to attend ◦ Motivation & aspiration ◦ Readiness to learn ◦ Concentration ◦ Focus and application ◦ In turn: confidence, anxiety Changes can be quite small Difficult to objectivy the subjective Need to measure alongside academic attainment
What to measure? AND How to measure it?
Viewpoints of both staff and children & young people Decide most appropriate methods: gather the right information simple and easy to use (for all parties) not prohibitively costly ‘reliable’ limit bias systematic enable comparison for same student over time enable aggregation of data for different audiences easy to combine with other information
Total outcome data Young person's views Staff views Other assessments, eg CAMHS, CAF, SEN Other data Parent/ carers' view AttainmentMonitoring
Options: Observations; Qualitative interviews Questionnaires
Most suitable because: Relatively cheap Easy to administer Lowest risk of subjectivity in administration Can be done on paper/computer Can be analysed in part by computer & human Analysis interpretation more consistent Data can be aggregated Facilitate comparisons & comparisons over time
Deciding what areas and issues are most important Avoid reinventing the wheel Lots of work previously done around measuring ‘soft’ outcomes for children and young people Challenge: identifying which of these are most relevant and what others are necessary for an educational context
Review existing tools & areas (domains) Discussions with CSS staff 1 st broad draft Discussions with CSS staff & pupils Further draft versions considered by staff Redrafting ‘Final versions’
Emotional wellbeing (Confidence, self- esteem (incl appearance), ‘resilience’, hope, pride, anxiety, mood) Relationships (eg with family, peers,..) Education skills - Concentration & attention Social & communication skills Feeling safe (local area, school/ PRU, home...) Anger management
For STAFF On the whole this young person... Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never can remember a series of instructions finds it easy to pay attention to what someone else is saying finishes a task once started can avoid being distracted in a teaching session can stay focussed for most of a lesson is able to work on a task on their own if required Any examples/ detailsTotal
Most days Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I recover quickly when things go wrong I look forward to the future I like how I look I realise it’s normal to make mistakes I feel that I am as good as anyone else I enjoy trying new things I feel I have a worthwhile contribution to make Any comment/ detail
These tools will be trialled by CSS Test & review over time Check need for simpler versions for children/ those with difficulty reading Ideally do large scale testing esp to check -reliability, bias and universality