1 High School Verification Reports SIRS 201Total Cohort - Summary SIRS 202 Total Cohort - Assessment Summary
2 Objectives To provide participants with an explanation of the definitions used and the logic behind the Total Cohort Summary reports. To provide participants with information about navigation and the Total Cohort Summary reports. To provide participants with reference information and tips for verification.
3 Agenda Total Cohort Definitions and Inclusion Criteria Total Cohort Summary reports in L2RPT and Navigation Related WNYRIC DW reports and other Reference materials. Questions.
4 High School Reports L2RPT ReportPurpose High School Accountability Data Verification Report (SIRS-101) This report is provided to allow you to verify that the appropriate students, with assessment results and outcomes, are being used to determine whether districts and schools have made adequate yearly progress in high school English and mathematics, and graduation rate. Total Cohort Reports (SIRS-201 & SIRS-202) These reports are provided to allow you to verify that for all students who are the reporting responsibility of the district, they have been reported in SIRS with the correct assessment results and outcomes, and are being included in the appropriate cohort. Annual Outcomes for Dropout, Noncompleter, and Graduation (SIRS-307 & SIRS-308) These reports are provided to allow you to verify that all students who are the reporting responsibility of the district have been reported in SIRS aka LVL2 with the correct enrollment outcomes (graduates, other credentials, post-secondary plans of graduates, and dropouts. Annual Outcomes for Regents & RCT (SIRS-309 & SIRS-310) These reports are provided to allow you to verify the accuracy of student test records as they appear in SIRS for Regents exams, Regents Competency Tests (RCT), and Component Retests, taken in August 2014, January 2015, May 2015, or June 2015.
6 High School Verification Reports SIRS Total Cohort Summary Reports: Terminology and Inclusion Criteria for Totals
Total Cohort Reports Before looking at the reports, we’ll focus on some terminology. e.g. What is a “Total Cohort”? What are “Outcomes”?
8 Outcomes Tracked: Starting 4 Years After Grade 9 Entry Graduated Transferred to GED Received IEP Diploma Dropped Out Still Enrolled
9 Total Cohort Report Outcome Definitions: 4 Year Outcomes: Outcomes for cohort members 4 years after 9 th grade entry or, for ungraded students with disabilities, 4 years after assigned grade 9 entry date*. 5 Year Outcomes: Outcomes for cohort members 5 years after 9 th grade entry or, for ungraded students with disabilities, 5 years after assigned grade 9 entry date *. 6 Year Outcomes: Outcomes for cohort members 6 years after 9 th first entering grade 9 or, for ungraded students with disabilities, 6 years after assigned grade 9 entry date *. What data is present in Total Cohort Reports? SY SY SY 2011 Cohort4 Yr. Outcomen/a 2010 Cohort5 Yr. Outcome4 yr. Outcomen/a 2009 Cohort6 yr. Outcome5 Yr. Outcome4 Yr. Outcome
10 Transitioning to the USDOE Definition of Graduation Cohort Began with the School Year and 2006 Total Cohort - 5 Year Outcomes. Changes included: Requirements for 9 th grade entry date for ungraded students. Enrollment exit code 8338 was introduced for incarcerated students not participating in a program culminating in a regular diploma. Enrollment duration changes from 5 months to 1 day for 4 year outcomes for 2007 Total Cohort and beyond.
11 Transitioning to the USDOE Definition of Graduation Cohort - continued Cohort Membership Definitions: Guidelines for Ungraded Students: Students with disabilities, who are coded as “ungraded” for enrollment purposes, must be assigned a first date of entry into grade 9 not later than the first school year during which the student: 1.Is enrolled in a school where the earliest grade is grade 9; OR 2.When a school has grades earlier than grade 9 (e.g., K-12, 7-12), the first school year during which the student participates in any instructional and/or non-instructional activities with his/her same grade 9 aged nondisabled peers (e.g., student participates in extracurricular activity with 9th grade peers; student enrolled in music class with 9th grade peers; student attends grade 9 special or general education classes); OR 3. turns age 17, whichever occurs first.
Total Cohort Membership Counts The Total Cohort Membership Count is used as the denominator for the Graduation rate and rates for other outcomes. In the Total Cohort Summary Reports, it is found in the column labeled “Cohort Enrollment as of June”. It is calculated at either the district or the school level and is disaggregated by sub-group. 12
13 How is the Total for Cohort Membership in the Total Cohort Summary Reports Calculated? The Total Cohort Membership Count is based on: 1. 9 th Grade Entry Date: The most recent demographic record is used for 9 th grade entry date. 2. Beginning Enrollment: Only students with one of the following Reason for Beginning Enrollment Codes are included in the school and district total cohorts: Enrollment in building or grade; or Transferred in under the NCLB Title I "School in Improvement Status" transfer option; or Transferred in under the NCLB "Persistently Dangerous School" transfer option; or Transferred in under the NCLB "Victim of Serious Violent Incident" transfer option. AND …..Yes, there is more……
14 Seem complex? Feeling confused? Perhaps a diagram will help…
Total Cohort Members: District/School - 4 Year Outcome
Total Cohort Members: District/School - 4 or 5 Year Outcome
Total Cohort Members: District/School - 4, 5 or 6 Year Outcome
18 Graduate Counts: Inclusion Criteria Enrollment Exit =and Diploma Type on Demographic = Diploma Description Regents Diploma with Honors, for students entering grade 9 on or after July 1, 2001; or Regents Diploma with Honors and with Career & Technical Education Endorsement, for students entering grade 9 on or after July 1, 2001; or Regents Diploma without Honors, for students entering grade 9 on or after July 1, 2001; or Regents Diploma without Honors but with Career & Technical Education Endorsement, for students entering grade 9 on or after July 1, 2001; or Local Diploma without Regents Endorsement; or Local Diploma without Regents Endorsement but with Career & Technical Education Endorsement; or Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation; or Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation with Career & Technical Education Endorsement; or Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation with Honors; or Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation with Honors and with Career & Technical Education Endorsement.
19 IEP Counts: Inclusion Criteria Enrollment Code =Diploma Type =Diploma Description 085 Individualized Education Program (IEP) Diploma Previously Earned Individualized Education Program (IEP) Diploma The code for an Individualized Education Program (IEP) diploma cannot be selected unless the student has a program service record indicating that he or she is disabled. A disability record with a Program Service Exit Date no earlier than the last date of enrollment must be reported for each student who is awarded an IEP diploma.
20 Transfer to AHSEPP/HSEPP Counts: Inclusion Criteria Students with a Reason for Ending Enrollment code 289 (transfer to AHSEP or HSEP) and A subsequent Reason for Beginning Enrollment code 5654 (enrollment in an AHSEP or HSEP program) that remains open. Students with a Reason for Ending Enrollment code 289 (transfer to AHSEP or HSEP) and A subsequent Reason for Beginning Enrollment code 5654 (enrollment in a AHSEP or HSEP program) and A subsequent Reason for Ending Enrollment code 816 (earned a GED diploma). The Grade must be changed to GD on Demographic and Enrollment when recording 5654 enrollment. Location code needs valid code for AHSEP/HSEP.
21 Drop Out Counts: Inclusion Criteria Enrollment Exit =Description 136Reached maximum legal age and has not earned a diploma or certificate 340Left school: first-time dropout 391Long-term absence (20 consecutive unexcused days) 408Permanent expulsion 425Left school, no documentation of transfer 306Transferred to other high school equivalency (GED) preparation program 357Left school: previously counted as a dropout.
22 Drop Out Counts: Additional Inclusion Criteria Student has a Reason for Ending Enrollment code of 289 (transfer to AHSEP or HSEP) AND There is no subsequent Reason for Beginning Enrollment code 5654 (enrollment in an AHSEP or HSEP program Student has a Reason for Ending Enrollment code 289 (transfer to AHSEP or HSEP) AND Student also has a subsequent Reason for Beginning Enrollment code 5654 (enrollment in a AHSEP or HSEP program) BUT The enrollment ended before June 30 with one of the Reason for Ending Enrollment codes used for dropouts.
23 High School Cohort Verification Reports L2RPT Total Cohort Summary Reports: Navigation
24 L2RPT Total Cohort Summary Reports
25 L2RPT SIRS-201 Total Cohort - Summary
26 Report Selection Criteria: Membership Prompt Several Options: Data in process for
27 Selected Year Outcome Enrollment Duration Selection: Choosing All Outcomes or 1 Day will produce the same results. All three Cohort years use the 1 Day enrollment rule. Report Selection Criteria: Enrollment Duration Prompt
28 Summary by Subgroup Columns show counts for each group listed.
29 Summary by Subgroup Subgroups are disaggregated in the rows.
30 Summary by Subgroup Columns on the right display rates. Click on any of the numbers for a Student Detail report.
31 Total Cohort Detail
32 L2RPT SIRS-202 Total Cohort - Assessment Summary
33 Report Selection Criteria: Membership Prompt Several Options: Data in process for
34 Selected Year Outcome Subject Selection: You can only choose one subject at a time. Report Selection Criteria: Subject Prompt
35 Assessment Summary Performance by Number & Percent
36 … Assessment Summary Student Detail …
37 High School Cohort Verification Reports Verification and Reference
38 Reconciling Total Cohort Reports using WNYRIC Data Warehouse (Level 1) Total Cohort Membership: Student Enrollment Verification by 9 th Grade Entry Year For each student in the selected grade 9 entry year, location(s), and grade(s), the report will display : Grade, Name, Local ID, State ID, Grade 9 Entry Date, Diploma Code, Diploma Type, Planned Post Graduate Activity, and all enrollment records for the most recent school year attended. (Ex: Grade 9 entry year of 2010 indicates students entered grade 9 in the school year.) Path: Public Folders > Accountability: Assessment Scores, Levels, Trends & Graduation > Grade 9 Entry Year Reports & Graduation Data Outcomes: Graduate Counts and Other Outcomes This report counts the number of students by school year who meet the graduation requirements and other outcomes, defined by NYSED. It lists all students meeting requirements and selection criteria regardless of enrollment duration rules. Path: Public Folders > Accountability: Assessment Scores, Levels, Trends & Graduation > Grade 9 Entry Year Reports & Graduation Data
39 High School Reports: Common Errors 799 Enrollment Exit without Diploma Types and vice versa. Included in Cohort total but not in graduation count. Will be counted as Still Enrolled. Initial enrollment to GED (5654) without preceding 289 transfer. Will not be included in Transfer to GED. Depending on other enrollment activity preceding the 5654, may not be included Total Cohort Membership. GED students with anything other than a GD grade in demographic and enrollment record GED students with an invalid GED location IEP diploma for students without a program service record for Special Ed. Incorrect 9 th grade entry date or birth date Missing post grad plans NYSSIS ID problems Simultaneous enrollment: Student is enrolled in two different districts at the same time.
40 Verification Tips: Use WNYRIC DW 9 th Grade Entry Reports to begin the verification of general cohort data the year they enter 9 th grade, versus at the end of 12 th grade. (Path: Public Folders > Accountability: Assessment Scores, Levels, Trends & Graduation > Grade 9 Entry Year Reports & Graduation Data ) Begin verifying Total Cohort Graduate Outcomes and Assessment Summary as early as possible during the course of the school year for students included in the Total Cohort Summary reports. Keep in mind that although outcomes for the current school year may not be complete until end of June/early July, much of the data on the Total Cohort reports is historical.
41 Reference Documentation L2RPT Report Guides SIRS Manual (General, Policy, and Technical) Level 0 Data Validation Rules
42 Questions? Thank You. Contact us at: