Reliability of Information Sources
Reliability criteria Reliability criteria We think that the following three points are very important: We think that the following three points are very important: the expertise and reputation of those connected with the website the expertise and reputation of those connected with the website evidence of lack of bias evidence of lack of bias evidence of equal emphasis towards all aspects of the search topic evidence of equal emphasis towards all aspects of the search topic
Before proceeding, list what you think are the criteria for establishing the reliability of a website. Before proceeding, list what you think are the criteria for establishing the reliability of a website.
Expertise and reputation Expertise and reputation If you can see that the website is supported by a reputable organisation or contributed to by a person with known expertise then it is reasonable to accept the website as being reliable. Examples would be where a website giving medical advice was run by a government department or a well respected charity eg. NHS direct at or Cancer Research UK at If you can see that the website is supported by a reputable organisation or contributed to by a person with known expertise then it is reasonable to accept the website as being reliable. Examples would be where a website giving medical advice was run by a government department or a well respected charity eg. NHS direct at or Cancer Research UK at Another more trivial example is that you would expect to find reliable recipes at Delia Smith's website Another more trivial example is that you would expect to find reliable recipes at Delia Smith's website Now let's have a look at Lack of bias... Now let's have a look at Lack of bias...Lack of biasLack of bias
Lack of bias Lack of bias Individuals can be biased in their opinions. Even well known experts may represent only one aspect of a topic. Individuals can be biased in their opinions. Even well known experts may represent only one aspect of a topic. Many websites by their very nature present information from only one viewpoint and are thus biased. While such information need not necessarily be excluded from the results presented to the client, you must indicate any identified bias and, if possible, provide information from other sources which present opposing points of view. This is particularly important when the client is seeking information on potentially contentious matters such as politics, religion, race or issues related to pressure groups. Many websites by their very nature present information from only one viewpoint and are thus biased. While such information need not necessarily be excluded from the results presented to the client, you must indicate any identified bias and, if possible, provide information from other sources which present opposing points of view. This is particularly important when the client is seeking information on potentially contentious matters such as politics, religion, race or issues related to pressure groups. As an exercise in looking for bias in websites, search for a pair of websites giving opposing points of view on the following topics. As an exercise in looking for bias in websites, search for a pair of websites giving opposing points of view on the following topics. - keeping a monkey - keeping a monkey the need for the UK Monarchy- the greenness of nuclear fuel- the usefulness of homeopathy the need for the UK Monarchy- the greenness of nuclear fuel- the usefulness of homeopathy
Opposing views Opposing views The following example sites were available at the time of the latest review of this section. The following example sites were available at the time of the latest review of this section. Opposing views on keeping a monkey as a house pet can be found at Monkeyzonehttp:// and at the website of Animal Land. Opposing views on keeping a monkey as a house pet can be found at Monkeyzonehttp:// and at the website of Animal Land Opposing views on the need for the UK Monarchy can be found at the official UK Monarchy site at and a Marxist perspective at Opposing views on the need for the UK Monarchy can be found at the official UK Monarchy site at and a Marxist perspective at Opposing views on the greenness of nuclear fuel can be found at the Greenpeace website and that of the World Nuclear Associationhttp:// Opposing views on the greenness of nuclear fuel can be found at the Greenpeace website and that of the World Nuclear Associationhttp:// Opposing views on the usefulness of homeopathy at the site of the British Homeopathic Association at and the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) Position Paper on Homeopathy found at Opposing views on the usefulness of homeopathy at the site of the British Homeopathic Association at and the National Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) Position Paper on Homeopathy found at Although the exercise and the results may seem a little trivial, it is useful. The problem when you are faced with queries about these sort of contentious issues is that you will initially retrieve a site as a result of your information search which gives only one side of the case. You must then search for the opposite, just as you have done here. Although the exercise and the results may seem a little trivial, it is useful. The problem when you are faced with queries about these sort of contentious issues is that you will initially retrieve a site as a result of your information search which gives only one side of the case. You must then search for the opposite, just as you have done here. Now let's look at the issue of Equal emphasis... Now let's look at the issue of Equal emphasis...Equal emphasisEqual emphasis
Equal emphasis Equal emphasis Emphasis differs from bias in that it is omission of information rather than deliberate over-statement of one point of view. For example, US sites may devote little space to British developments. Another pertinent example in UK public libraries is that sites for UK government departments may include information only for England on devolved issues Emphasis differs from bias in that it is omission of information rather than deliberate over-statement of one point of view. For example, US sites may devote little space to British developments. Another pertinent example in UK public libraries is that sites for UK government departments may include information only for England on devolved issues You should be aware that emphasis can be more difficult to detect than bias. A solution is to apply the technique of cross checking with other sites on the same topic. You should be aware that emphasis can be more difficult to detect than bias. A solution is to apply the technique of cross checking with other sites on the same topic. Look at the government website for the Department for Education and Skills at Education is a devolved responsibility and thus varies considerably between the four UK nations. Much of the information on the DfES website applies only to England and sometimes Wales. Look at the government website for the Department for Education and Skills at Education is a devolved responsibility and thus varies considerably between the four UK nations. Much of the information on the DfES website applies only to England and sometimes Wales. Compare the information about literacy strategy in schools with that given on: Compare the information about literacy strategy in schools with that given on: of Education Northern Irelandhttp:// of Education Northern Irelandhttp:// Let's go on now to consider the accuracy of information found on websites. Let's go on now to consider the accuracy of information found on websites.accuracy of informationaccuracy of information
Accuracy Accuracy When you are looking for factual information you can usually assume that a reliable site based on the points above will attempt to provide correct data. However, mistakes can be made and you should cross check data using more than one reliable site wherever possible. When you are looking for factual information you can usually assume that a reliable site based on the points above will attempt to provide correct data. However, mistakes can be made and you should cross check data using more than one reliable site wherever possible. Now let's have a look at Currency... Now let's have a look at Currency... Currency
Currency Currency In using the Internet you often come across websites which are seriously out of date. In fact some of them are actually abandoned and will never be updated again. When you use websites in your information searching, you must make sure that the information is current. Of course with a reference book you can look at the publication date. However for websites it is not just so easy. In using the Internet you often come across websites which are seriously out of date. In fact some of them are actually abandoned and will never be updated again. When you use websites in your information searching, you must make sure that the information is current. Of course with a reference book you can look at the publication date. However for websites it is not just so easy. Before proceeding, list some points you could look for on a website to establish its currency. Before proceeding, list some points you could look for on a website to establish its currency. Let's take a look at some ways of Establishing currency... Let's take a look at some ways of Establishing currency... Establishing currency Establishing currency
Establishing currency Establishing currency We can think of a few possible ways of establishing the currency of a website. Obviously they depend on finding date information. This can be explicit: We can think of a few possible ways of establishing the currency of a website. Obviously they depend on finding date information. This can be explicit: You can check the "Last revised" date on a website. This is usually found on the first screen. Note that this may only indicate the last time a change was made to a particular part of the website and that it does not imply that all the content was updated on that date. You can check the "Last revised" date on a website. This is usually found on the first screen. Note that this may only indicate the last time a change was made to a particular part of the website and that it does not imply that all the content was updated on that date. You can look to see how recent are the publication dates of the documents referred to on the site You can look to see how recent are the publication dates of the documents referred to on the site You can look out for dates quoted within text and make an estimate of currency You can look out for dates quoted within text and make an estimate of currency You might find a "Forthcoming events" list where all dates should be in the future, or in the very recent past. You might find a "Forthcoming events" list where all dates should be in the future, or in the very recent past. In the absence of any explicit date information you may need to look at Indirect methods of establishing currency... In the absence of any explicit date information you may need to look at Indirect methods of establishing currency...Indirect methodsIndirect methods
Indirect methods of establishing currency Indirect methods of establishing currency If there are no actual dates mentioned, you will need to look for more subtle indications that the site is regularly updated. If there are no actual dates mentioned, you will need to look for more subtle indications that the site is regularly updated. You can look for regulations or laws mentioned in the site and find their dates of introduction. You can look for regulations or laws mentioned in the site and find their dates of introduction. You can look for the names of institutions or Government departments. These do change name and can be used to give a date range. You can look for the names of institutions or Government departments. These do change name and can be used to give a date range. You can look for the names of personalities involved in the topic which can show currency. You can look for the names of personalities involved in the topic which can show currency. Finally you can simply look for reference to recent news items which will date the site's information. Finally you can simply look for reference to recent news items which will date the site's information. Look at This is a commercial site promoting Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness Clubs. There are two quick ways to check whether the site has been recently updated. Look at the publication date for the current copy of the Rosemary Conley magazine and at the Look at This is a commercial site promoting Rosemary Conley Diet and Fitness Clubs. There are two quick ways to check whether the site has been recently updated. Look at the publication date for the current copy of the Rosemary Conley magazine and at thehttp://