Homework Complete H.W. #2 for tomorrow.
Aim #3: What problems do historians face when constructing history?
I. What “tools” do historians use to study history?
A. Primary Sources: Firsthand accounts from a period in history. Examples?
B. Secondary Sources: Descriptions of events written after the event has occurred Examples?
According to Howard Zinn, the sources that we use to study history often have major problems. Read the article by Zinn about Christopher Columbus, and answer the two questions on the back side.
II. Biggest Problem with Sources = Bias of the historian A. Does the historian have a particular agenda? B. Does the historian have political or cultural beliefs that influence his/her writing? C. Does the historian only focus on information he/she finds interesting or relevant?
III. Other Problems with Sources A. Accuracy / reliability B. Damaged artifacts C. Missing info D. Lack of diversity among historians (dead white men of European descent)
Concluding Question If all sources are biased or problematic in some way, what can we do to get the most accurate view of what history was really like?