1. Any of several mammals of the family Suidae, having short legs, cloven hooves, bristly hair, and a cartilaginous snout used for digging, especially the domesticated hog, Sus scrofa domesticus, when young or of comparatively small size. The edible parts of one of these mammals. 2. Informal A person regarded as being pig like, greedy, or gross. 3. A crude block of metal, chiefly iron or lead, poured from a smelting furnace. A mold in which such metal is cast. Pig iron.
Heavy body covered with bristly hair Short heads Thick necks Small eyes, good eyesight Curled tails Leathery snout Four toes on each foot, each toe has a hoof Some have strong tusks
Love to explore Independent Love to graze Carry leaves back to shelter Wallow in mud Loved to be scratched
WILDTAME Forests Jungles East Indies Europe Asia Africa United States (razorback) West Indies (razorback) Farms Small sheds Chine Soviet Union United States
PREYPREDATOR Corn Sorghum Barley Wheat Rye Oats Soybeans Linseed Cottonseed Peanuts Fish Meat scraps Skim milk No natural predator Humans