By: Dallin, Megan, Sterling, and Philip.
These are the maps of the Desert.
Armadillo Lizard (Above) Desert Tortoise (Right)
Gila Monster (Above) Cactus Wren (Bottom) Desert Bighorn Sheep (Right)
Saguaro Cactus(Above) Barrel Cactus(Right)
Pancake Prickly Pear Cactus(Right) Crimson Hedgehog (Above)
Ocotillo (Left) Soap tree Yucca (Right)
This is the food web of the desert.
This is some of the major landforms.
The Vermillion Cliffs are one of the places of interest in the desert.
This is our Climatagraph of the desert.
Aloe vera (above) Rocks (Right)
Uranium (above) Copper (bottom)
Succulent: full of juice; having fleshy tissues designed to conserve moisture (succulent plants).