Kylie George Ms. Crawford Computers 7 G 25 March 2014
Office and Principal Office and Principal Science Lab Science Lab English English Math Math Geography/History Geography/History Art Art Drama Drama Reading Reading Computers Computers Gym Gym Living Scripture Living Scripture
This is Mrs. Pollick. She is our principal here at St. Frances Cabrini. Mrs. Redwine is a great secretary. We are grateful to have her. table of contents
Mr. Kerr is the sixth through eighth grade science teacher. He has his 7 th and 8 th grade students do a science project every semester. table of contents
Mrs. Wisser is the honors seventh grade English teacher. She also teaches eighth grade honors math, and eighth grade English. Ms. Winton-Smith teaches sixth and seventh grade English. table of contents
Mr. Crupi is the honors math teacher for sixth and seventh grade. He also teaches seventh grade math. table of contents
Mrs. Surma teaches sixth and seventh grade geography. She also teaches eighth grade History. During the summer, she takes some kids to different parts of the world! table of contents
Mrs. Ackley is the art teacher for the grades K-8. She is a really great artist herself. She also has two kids that attend Cabrini. table of contents
Mr. Schneider is the fourth and fifth grade band teacher. He is also the seventh and eighth grade drama teacher. It is his first year at Cabrini. table of contents
Hey, it’s Mrs. Frankovich! She is the Reading teacher for seventh and eighth grade. table of contents
Ms. Crawford is the computer teacher for grades four through eight. She also helps with yearbook. table of contents
Mr. Bessette Mr. Bessette is the Physical Education teacher. He teaches grades K-8. table of contents
Mrs. Ryan teaches Kindergarten through eighth grade living scripture. She is the one that started this class when she first came to Cabrini. table of contents