Research Data MANTRA Stuart Macdonald, Robin Rice, Ҫ una Ekmekcioglu EDINA & Data Library, University of Edinburgh OER2011, Univ. Manchester, 12 May 2011
Partnership between: Edinburgh University Data Library Institute for Academic Development Grounded in three disciplinary contexts: social science, clinical psychology and geoscience Aims to develop online interactive open learning resources for PhD students and early career researchers that will: Raise awareness of the key issues related to research data management Provide guidelines for good practice Project overview
Why manage research data? Data Deluge – exponential growth in the volume of digital research artifacts created within academia Data management is one of the essential areas of responsible conduct of research. By managing your data you will: Meet funding body grant requirements. Ensure research integrity and replication. Ensure research data and records are accurate, complete, authentic and reliable. Increase your research efficiency. Enhance data security and minimise the risk of data loss. Prevent duplication of effort by enabling others to use your data.
Eight units with activities, scenarios and videos: Research data explained Data management plans Organising data File formats and transformation Documentation and metadata Storage and security Data protection, rights and access Preservation, sharing and licensing Four data handling practicals SPSS, NVivo, R, ArcGIS Xerte Online Toolkits – University of Nottingham Online learning module
Delivered online – self-paced, available ‘anytime, anyplace’ Emphasis on practical experience and active engagement via online activities One hour per unit Read and work through scenarios & activities (incl. videos etc) CC licence to allow manipulation of content for re-use with attribution Portable content in open standard formats (e.g. SCORM)
Progress to date Needs assessment –Completed Authoring content –Completed for 5 units (out of 8) Data handling practicals –Outlines & data sets agreed for each –Internal reviews complete –2 nd revisions for wider review ongoing Internal feedback on finished units –Completed User testing –Usability testing completed – 5 students
Video productions (prominent researchers with a ‘story to tell’): May - June External Evaluation of materials - primary contacts,PhD students, colleagues from JISC MRD projects: May User testing - complete module: June External Evaluation of project by CHSS E-Learning consultant: June Final modifications in the light of user feedback: July Next steps …
Learning materials to be deposited with an open licence in JorumOpen and Xpert: August Learning materials to be embedded in three participating postgraduate programmes and made available through Transkills programme for use by all postgraduate students and early career researchers: Next academic year
Time – underestimated! Authoring content – not an easy task... Re-using existing materials vs writing from scratch Copyright – images, videos (where possible open or CC-licensed materials) Consistency in style, terminology, tempo Setting up Xerte Online Toolkits (XOT) on the server Security issues Issues with the software Lessons learned
Working with a default XOT template Limitations of the template Difficulty finding volunteers for user testing Issues with data handling practicals: Tension between data handling and data analysis in terms of actual content Ensuring clear explanation of software specific jargon/technical terminology/process-specific language Retaining consistency across four data handling practicals in terms of look and feel, flow, content, audience
Credits: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 image by ecstaticist courtesy of Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 image by libraryman courtesy of Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0 image courtesy of Gideon Burton: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 image by ken mccown courtesy of Flickr – CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 image by Jason Verwey courtesy of Flickr - CC BY 2.0 image by Sean McGrath courtesy of Flickr – CC BY 2.0 Image by laszlo-photo courtesy of Flickr – photo/ / photo/ / CC BY 2.0 image by Malkav courtesy of Flickr – CC BY 2.0 image by M. M. Alvarez, T. Shinbrot, F. J. Muzzio, Rutgers University, Center for Structured Organic Composites courtesy of Flickr – CC BY-ND 2.0 images by Philippe Put courtesy of Flickr – CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 image by courtesy of Flickr – Project website: Project wiki: wiki Institute for Academic Development: Contact: THANK YOU!!