Web references in graduate papers at the Department of Information Sciences at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb Anina Bauer, Marija Kirin and Marija Turković Department of Information Sciences Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb Ivana Lučića 3, Zagreb, Croatia Zagreb, 2011.
Introduction how graduate students tend to collect their references online? dr. sc. Đilda Pečarić - researched the Development of Information Sciences in Croatia The primary goal - to find out the amount of web references students use in their graduate papers how many web references have an author ? which author is most frequently cited? what type of web references students mostly refer? 2
Hypothesis substantial growth in the usage of web references in graduate papers students refer not only to scientific articles, but also to other types of web references articles are more frequent than monographs 3
Methods November Library catalogue of the Faculty Library - comprised of 587 papers Digital Repository analyzed period to Analyzed fields Archive Documentation Library Science General Information Science Museology 4
Results 5
The results 7 referencesweb references AVG per paper185 MAX per paper7057 MIN per paper30 total
The results according to the field (1) 8 field analysed papers analysed references average number of references analysed web references average number of web references Archive Documentation ,8681,14 Library Science , ,02 General Information Science ,794886,78 Museology ,471067,07 total
The results according to the field (2) 9 Paper from field Paper with most references Paper with most web references Archive Documentation 447 Library Science7045 General Information Science 6657 Museology4429
10 year analysed papers analysed references average number of references analysed web references average number of web references ,00379, ,552643, ,641753, ,782764, ,053465, ,585256, , , ,40489,60 The number of references in the papers from 2003 to 2010.
11 Pretpostavka - da raste uporaba mrežnih izvora
Types of references Web pages Reference materials Articles Online books Different types of manifests, guidelines, published lectures and alike Most referred 1. Wikipedia 5,24% 2. Narodne novine (The Official Gazette) 3,44%
Authors most commonly cited author doc. dr. sc. Sonja Špiranec -10 references 14
Conclusion Main hypothesis - PROVEN the number of web references in the graduate papers of students of information sciences at the Faculty increased over the given period - from 2003 to 2010 Second hypothesis (scientific journals are referred more than monographs ) - not accurate unforeseen results Wikipedia articles were referred the most alarming frequency of incorrect citations possible prediction the usage of web references by (graduate) students will continue to grow research can easily be continued