Reception Pop-In Spring Term
Our curriculum Our Reception curriculum is divided into 6 Areas of Learning: Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication, Language and Literacy Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy Knowledge and Understanding of the World Physical Development Creative Development
Topics Mr Wolf’s pancakes (Shrove Tuesday) Jack and the beanstalk (Growing) Three little pigs / The three billy goats Gruff / Goldilocks and the three bears (Maths problem solving) Flap your wings (Living Eggs) Farmer Duck (Visit to Sacrewell Farm) Easter
Reading Your child brings home 2 books a week, one they have chosen for themselves and one which we choose for them, according to their phonic ability. Please read these books with your child across the week. In particular, encourage your child to read the phonically decodable text several times, until they are becoming quite fluent and confident with their reading. Encourage them to track the text with their finger. We will listen to your child reading their home reading book at least once a week (though not necessarily on the same day), and will note the date on their bookmark. Please therefore make sure that your child’s reading books are in their bookbags every day.
Writing Please continue to encourage your child to write at every opportunity. Encourage your child to write simple words and lists, especially in real life situations. Encourage correct letter formation. (If unsure, we can give you another copy of the correct formation.) Allow your child to write the sounds that they hear rather than trying to correct spellings.
Problem Solving, Reasoning and Numeracy Please encourage your child to use their mathematical skills in everyday situations. Look out for numbers all around you. Use language, such as more and less than, how many altogether?, how many left? to help your child with their calculating skills. Talk about shape, space and measures with your child. Look for opportunities to solve problems together – discuss how to go about solving them and try out different ways.
And finally … Please read through the ideas on the sheets for how to help your child at home with their reading, writing and maths. Don’t forget to check out our Foundation Stage page on our school website. Visit Ideas always welcome! THANK YOU!