Myths, Fairytale, Tall Tales, Legends, and Fables Be an Expert!
Myths Stories about gods, goddesses, and spirits Try to explain how things in the world were created Many famous ones are Greek, Roman, Viking, Native American Example: Pandora’s Box
Fairytale Stories that have been passed down for hundreds of years Setting is along time ago Magic, imaginary creatures, and talking animals can be included Example: Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Tall Tales Stories that stretch the truth Could be about real people or imaginary characters Usually show great strength or size Example: John Henry
Legends Always about humans but can have magic or supernatural events Based on real people who are considered heroes Story handed down for many years; truth becomes distorted Example: Johnny Appleseed
Urban Legends Modern folklore consisting of stories believed by their tellers to be true. set in today’s time (not historical) Contains an element of mystery, horror, fear or humor Always about humans. Ex: The Headless Horseman
Fables Short story that teaches a lesson (called a moral) Characters are usually animals Aesop is the most well-known author Example: The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
Are There Any Questions About? Fairytale? Legend? Urban Legends Fable? Tall Tale? Myth?