GL4 E1 Key Idea 2 SEDIMENTARY ROCKS The mineralogy and texture of sedimentary rocks are controlled by processes of weathering, erosion and deposition
GL4 E1 KI2 a Immature sedimentary rocks are characterised by a wide range of mineral compositions and/or lithic clasts; Mature sedimentary rocks have restricted mineralogies dominated by mineral species resistant to weathering and erosional processes
Breccia Sedimentary (fragmental) Immature (wide range of fragments) Angular fragments (little transport) Fragments range in size consider energy current (landslide?) Credit: British Geological Society
Immature/Mature Immature rocks - contain easily weathered minerals (eg. first formed minerals from Bowen’s Reaction Series) Immature rocks – normally very little transport (hence angular fragments), poorly sorted Mature rocks – mainly quartz (low temperature minerals from Bowen’s Reaction Series) Mature rocks - fragments often rounded due to long history of weathering and erosion to remove majority of minerals, well sorted
Fragment size/shape Longer transport will reduce fragment size and will round fragment shape Geoscience page 88 figure 5.21 (b) and (c) COPY
We need to look more closely at Mature sedimentary rocks Why? In order to think of the processes which destroy minerals!