09/22 Bellringer 5+ sentences In 1916, suffragist protested by picketing 24-7 at the White House. They were arrested but gained publicity for their cause. More protests, including a hunger strike, gave even more attention. Do you agree or disagree with the methods of the suffragists?
During the Gilded Age, city, state, and national governments were in need of reform
The most significant state reformer was Wisconsin governor Robert La Follette Wisconsin was the first state to create an income tax, form industrial commissions, and adopt regulations on big businesses Wisconsin politicians teamed with academic “experts” from the University of Wisconsin to create state laws Wisconsin was a model for other progressive state reforms
States began regulating big businesses States passed laws limiting the work hours for children and women
Referendum allows citizens vote to increase taxes for new programs Significant changes were made in the rights given to voters Initiatives allow citizens to bypass the state legislature by putting an issue on a state ballot and voting to make it a law Recalls allow citizens to vote to remove an elected official
States began using direct primary elections to allow voters to choose party candidates In 1913, the 17 th Amendment was ratified allowing citizens to directly elect their U.S. Senators
There are 3 Presidents considered “Progressive” Theodore Roosevelt
There are 3 Presidents considered “Progressive” William Taft
There are 3 Presidents considered “Progressive” Woodrow Wilson
Progressive Presidents Charts While viewing the Presidents video, write a brief description of the laws or major events during each president’s years in office. After the video, with a partner or by yourself, use the textbook or the internet to complete any events you did not hear from the video.
Video: History Channel Progressive Presidents