Causes & Effects of the Enlightenment
Essential Question: How does the Enlightenment still impact the world today? Write the black text, not the blue.
Age of Reason Scientific RevolutionScientific Revolution EnlightenmentEnlightenment Classical MusicClassical Music CausCaus e Causes of the Enlightenment Renaissance Reformation The Printing Press
Intellectual Roots of Scientific Revolution Crusades > contact with Arab scientists Renaissance > Greek scientific knowledge Fascination with alchemy Exploration of the World Mechanics of Navigation Curiosity about new species Protestant Reformation lessens power of church over science. decline in persecution of witchcraft
Deism Belief in existence of God but rejection of established churches, basing one’s belief on light of nature and reason. Deists believed that God’s work was revealed through science.
Characteristics of the Enlightenment Rationalism reason is arbiter of all things. Cosmology man & his place in the universe. Secularism application of the methods of science to religion & philosophy. Utilitarianism greatest good for greatest number. Tolerance No opinion is worth burning your neighbor for.
Optimism Man is intrinsically good. social progress. Freedom Of thought and expression. Equality Education—Public Schools & lending libraries Constitutions listing rights.
Legacy of Enlightenment 1. Democratic revolutions: United States (1776) & France (1789) 2. Reform, democracy, and republicanism. 3. New forms of civil society –-- clubs, salons, lending libraries, & professional organizations. 4. Individual had come into existence as a political and social force to be reckoned with.