Geo-thermal energyGeo-thermal energy By Diarmuid Ward Daniel Pinzon Conor Mc Nally Peter Gallagher
They pump cold water deep into the earth, which is heated and made into steam by the heat, it is brought back up the the surface, which turns a turbine, which in turn, turns the generator!!!
Geothermal is better than fossil fuels because it will not run out, there is no pollution and when it is built, its more or less free!!!
It is the best energy source because it can produce energy 24 hours a day in any conditions!!!
Does not create pollution power stations do not take up too much room no fuel is needed once you have built a geothermal power station the energy is almost free
Hazardous gases may come up from underground and may be hard to dispose of. Sometimes a geothermal site may run out of steam. Possibly for decades
So the main points are: Its cheap It can give us 24 hour electricity in any type of weater When the station is built, its more or less free