The Basic Definition OF computer: 1). Computer is an electronic device that can process data at an Amazing fast speed & produce result. 2). Computer is an advance form of calculator. Besides numerical data,it also process other type of data such as alphabetical,charecters And alphanumerical data. 3).And it can also store huge data in it memory.
Capabilities of Computer 1).Speed: A computer can process data faster than any other Machine designed to perform a similar task. 2).Accuracy: A computer high speed machine and give us accurate Result. 3). Storage: A computer can store more data than any other electronic Machine. 4).Self checking self operating: A computer can verifies the accuracy of its own,computer is capable to executed instruction its own. without human intervention.
ABACUS T he Abacus is invented about 5,000 year’s ago. IN Asia Minor And is still use today, It's the basic calculators and a basic concept of computer. It is the system of beads sliding arrange on a rack.
In 1612,napier’s made the first printed use of the decimal Point (after it had been invented in the Nether lands). And Also following this concept many other multiplication machine Are developed. This device consist of a set of eleven bones Or Roads with numbers marked on them.
PASCALINE CALCULATOR) In 1640 BLiese Pascal,THE Eight year old son of French tax collector,started developing a device to help his father with his Duties to add sums Of muney.THE first wheel calculator introduced in This brass a rectangle Box also called ‘’pascaline’
In 1694 a German mathematician whilhem von Leibniz improved the pascaline by creating machine That could also multiplying adding and subtracting numbers The machine work on gear’s and dials Leibniz’s calculator
Tabulating machine Its codes are also called the holrith codes, and machine was also The Tabulating machine In 1889 an American inventor ‘dr.herman hollerith’ also applied the Same concept to computing.the machine was basically develop to Count the U.S census.
A new machine needed to be developed b/c people Getting ore with these machine’s. The real begins of computer as we know is from ‘Charles Babbage’ he was called the father of computer. He develop a machine which perform many tasks called ‘’deference engine’’ Babbage’s difference engine
There are five generation of computer 1). first generation (1944 to 1959 ) 2). 2cd generation (1959 to 1965 ) 3). 3rd generation (1965to 1970 ) 4). 4rth generation (1970to 1985 ) 1). first generation (1985to on wards)