By: Casey Brady, Leif Henrikson, Ethan Brown Our project on the Manuel period of technology
The Manuel period of technology The main points that we will cover are the abacus, The Ishango Bone and different stuff like that in Manuel period of technology
What was happening Tallying was invented 2600 bc first known time of papyrus or paper The Sumerian Age until ca 2400 BC During the pyramids period
The abacus Imagine doing calculations today without a computing device such as a calculator or computer. We are dependent on these devises. We use spreadsheets for highly sophisticated calculations and data management. But there was a time when these devices did not exist. So what did they do? The earliest counting device was the hands and the fingers. The calculations started getting bigger so some sort of counting devices were needed or should I say a calculator. Let us go back to our childhood memories. Can you recall how you started counting? I bet you used your fingers. Gradually, as you grew up you have come across calculating devises. Most of you may have had the opportunity to test the Abacus.
Ishango bone At a later stage, archeological finding of the Ishango bone from around 18,000 BC may possibly indicate these bones were used for simple calculations. This artifact was also discovered in Africa, a small African fishing village called Ishango, on the border of Zaire and Uganda. Then could we assume that mathematics actually originated from Africa although the historical belief is that it started in Ancient Egypt and Babylonia. The carvings on the bone predict that they were used as counting devices but some historians argue that it may have been used as some sort of calendar.
The Lebombo Bone The first ever computing devises used are believed to be found around 35,000 BC. Archeologists while excavating within the Border Cave in the Lebombo Mountains of Swaziland, discovered and important artifact. It was a small piece of the fibula bone, known as the Lebombo bone, you can guess where the name of the bone came from. It was named after the Lebombo Mountains. This piece of fibula bone consisted of 29 distinct notches that were deliberately carved into a baboon’s fibula bone. The Lebombo bone is the oldest known mathematical artifact ever discovered. There are no clear indications that they were used for computing at that period. It could be assumed that they may have been used in some sort of counting or to keep track of calendar. There are clear indications as the Lebombo bone resembles to the calendar sticks still used by Bushmen in Namibia.
advances Tallying was invented 2600 bc first known time of papyrus or paper The Sumerian Age until ca 2400 BC During the pyramids period
conclusion Two things that I covered in this project is the abacus and the Ihango bone.
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