Mirror Me Meng-Chieh Yu Kenneth 2008/6/20 Ubicomp 2008S
Outline 2 1.Introduction 2.Related Work 3.Method Bio-signal Computer Vision Multimedia 4.Interaction Design 5.Future Work
Outline 3 1.Introduction 2.Related Work 3.Method Bio-signal Computer Vision Multimedia 4.Interaction Design 5.Future Work
Importance of Respiration Respiration - Important for Life, Important for your performance Respiration functions can be changed by learning. (Fried R, et al., 1993) Correct respiration might make the person be relaxed, reduces the blood pressure and promotes a healthy body. (Rosenbaum E., 2004; Litchfield P.M., 2006) 4
5 Mirror me Improve the respiration habits for common user Encourage users to use belly respiration Correct breathing exercise can make the person be relaxed, reduces the blood pressure and promotes a healthy body. BluetoothDisplay
Outline 6 1.Introduction 2.Related Work Computer Vision Biofeedback 3.Method Bio-signal Computer Vision Multimedia 4.Interaction Design 5.Future Work
Computer Vision - Logitech 7 Detect the features of user’s face Make your webcam with special effects that put more fun into chatting
Healing Rhythms transform your physical and mental health is in your hands -- literally. Finger sensors connect to your and measure : -Heart Rate Variability, a key indicator of your long-term health -Skin Conductance Levels, literally the level of your perspiration and a sensitive measure of stress, or relaxation. 8 Biofeedback – Wild Divine
9 Biofeedback – BioGraph Infiniti BioGraph Infiniti provides a multimedia rich graphical experience, while capturing and analyzing raw data.
Outline 10 1.Introduction 2.Related Work 3.Method Bio-signal Computer Vision Multimedia 4.Interaction Design 5.Future Work
Respiration Sensor 11 Bio-signal 1 2
Total Volume Belly Volume Chest Volume Exhale/Inhale Time Respiration Freq. Respiration Time Exhale/Inhale Ratio Chest/Belly Ratio Air Change Point 12 Bio-signal 1 2
13 Computer Vision 1 2 Original Image Gaussian Background Model Face Detection Color : RGB image Resolution : 320 * * 480 Effective Background Subtraction Method Single Gaussian Model Face Detection (using OpenCV lib.) −Face Position −Face Size Chest/Belly Detection Shoulder Detection
14 Computer Vision 1 2 Detecting the Human Face Estimate User’s Chest & Belly Estimate User’s Shoulder
15 Multimedia Sound Respiration Guidance −Inhale Time / Exhale Time Evaluation −Silver Crown / Golden Crown
Outline 16 1.Introduction 2.Related Work 3.Method Bio-signal Computer Vision Multimedia 4.Interaction Design 5.Future Work
Guidance – Butterfly – Vibrator Reflection – Air Flow Evaluation – Crown – Command Message 17 Interaction Design
18 Interaction Design VisualSoundTouch Guidance Reflection Evaluation
Mirror ME 19
Outline 20 1.Introduction 2.Related Work 3.Method Bio-signal Computer Vision Multimedia 4.Interaction Design 5.Future Work
Computer Vision – Face Detection (auto login) – Detecting the Face Features Mirror interaction – Transparent Mirror – Touch Screen Developing Environment (Virtools) – Advanced Effect – Particle System – 3D Animation 21 Future Work