Be Careful Not To Set Aside God’s Commands
Human traditions as commands of God Three ways to set aside God’s commands Mk. 7:1-8 vain worship, neglect.... Gal. 2:11-14 sin 1 Tim. 4:1-7 fall away from the faith
Human traditions as commands of God Three ways to set aside God’s commands Create precepts that invalidate God’s word Mk. 7:9-13 lay aside commands Methods / Admonition: Col. 2:4 persuasive arguments Col. 2:8 philosophy.... Col. 2:16-17 judged for not observing Col. 2:18 self-abasement.... Col. 2:20-23 Christians not submit Gal. 1:6-9 false teachers accursed 2 Jn. 1:9 abide in doctrine of Christ
Human traditions as commands of God Three ways to set aside God’s commands Create precepts that invalidate God’s word Justify yourself by man’s standards Mk. 7:1-13 Jews justified themselves Lk. 16:14-15 behavior condemned Matt. 7:21-23 must obey God Rom. 3:28-30 justified by faith
Human traditions as commands of God Three ways to set aside God’s commands Create precepts that invalidate God’s word Justify yourself by man’s standards
Be Careful Not To Set Aside God’s Commands