06/02/06 Workshop on knowledge sharing using the new WWW tools May 30 – June 2, 2006 GROUP Presentation Group 5 Group Members Ambrose Ruyooka Emmanuel Ediau Anne Sedee
06/02/06 Group Question Security Skype and web2.0 tools More and more (free) online services are offered on Internet. But how secure are these services? This group investigated the Internet about security issues related to web2.0 tools.
06/02/06 OUTLINE 1.Security Defined 2.Security Threats, Concerns and Vulnerabilities Skype Web Possible solutions Skype Web 2.0
06/02/06 Definition of Security Refers to techniques for ensuring that data stored in computer networks cannot be accessed, read or compromised by any individuals without authorization. Most security measures involve data encryption and passwords. Data encryption is the translation of data into a form that is unintelligible without a deciphering mechanism. A password is a secret word or phrase that gives a user access to a particular program or system.
06/02/06 Main areas of web security concerns,threats and vulnerabilities Data loss Violation of confidentiality by intrusion or tampering Denial of Service, spoofing Web bugs Managing cookies
06/02/06 Main security threats_Web 2.0 specific With Web 2.0 (webtop) your data is stored in several locations across the internet on many different servers. You have to use and remember several username/passwords all the time for every site/application that you use. Possibility of access by interested parties (governments, lawyers, insurance companies, etc). Google, the main player accessing and using your personal infor for their commercial advantage
06/02/06 Threats,Vulnerabilities and Concerns_Skype Specific eavesdropping tappings risk of not establishing and implementing an enterprise policy for Skype"Because the Skype client is a free download…most businesses have no idea how many Skype clients are installed on their systems or how much Skype traffic passes over their networks."
06/02/06 Possible solutions Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) methodologies, tiered storage, data replication, coordinated administration, Use of security applications
06/02/06 Solutions Authentication/encryption Biometrics, Digital Signatures, E-commerce Security, PKI, Smart Cards, SSL
06/02/06 Solutions Intrusion/tampering Anti-Hacking, Anti-Virus, Firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems, Network Security, Spam -
06/02/06 Skype secure Here are the things you need to know about staying secure and protecting yourself while Skyping. Avoid scammers Keep your password safe Set privacy options Keep your payment data safe Secure your computer Be conscious about your communications
06/02/06 Skype secure ctd Do not put details in your profile that you do not want to be publicly viewed. Remember that your Skype profile can be seen by all other Skypers. You do not have to fill in your profile if you do not want to, and you can change it at all times. Always authenticate your communication partner before starting to discuss any private or confidential details, such as your home address or sensitive work data.
06/02/06 Skype secure ctd. If you are using Skype for work purposes, it's a good idea to have a list of known Skype Names for all colleagues, and not to trust anyone outside the list. Set your privacy options to avoid any unwanted communications. Education about the threats of communicating with strangers
06/02/06 Skype secure...SOLUTIONS actively manage version control of Skype client — and its distribution to authorized users — using configuration management tools."
06/02/06 thoughts, comments and questions