Online Resources From Oxford University Press
This presentation gives a brief description of Oxford Competition Law It tells you what Oxford Competition Law is how it can help you how to look for information in it The presentation will take about 4 minutes
The service is continually updated with cases and materials, a must-have for practitioners and legal scholars needing up-to-date information quickly. Oxford Competition Law (OCL) is the only fully integrated service to combine world-renowned market- leading commentaries with rigorous, selective national case reports and analysis from EU member states. Oxford Competition Law provides a suite of fully interlinked competition analysis, peer reviewed case reports and source materials - the ideal resource for assisting with case preparation.
OCL also provides enhanced full-text versions of key commentaries: Bellamy & Child: European Union Law of Competition (plus online-only updates), Faull & Nikpay on The EU Law of Competition and Whish & Bailey on Competition Law. Oxford Competition Law (OCL) allows users to browse by content type and subject.
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in a printer-friendly view by saving searches and content in the My account area for future reference in an via Social Network sites The site allows users to view and share content in several ways:
Searching across all content is straightforward – type the search term into the search box Apple
You can filter the search results by content type, book titles, subject,… Results come from all content on Oxford Competition Law. You can choose to show only those resources that your institution provides full access to by clicking here.
Facts and the findings from the court, references to further sources of analysis and lists of cases and instruments cited are also included. Each case report has full headnotes and decisions in the original decision language (The language is indicated clearly in the TOC).
Each case and commentary is also linked to the Oxford Law Citator.
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