Spatial Data Infrastructure Initiatives and the Geoscience Community Jonathon Root Manager, Geoscience Data Management
Scope of AGSO activity: Petroleum exploration Marine zone management Geohazards & geomagnetism Minerals exploration + (environmental geoscience)
Geoscience data needs: Geology (lithology, stratigraphy, structure) Airborne magnetics Airborne radiometrics (4-256 channels) Gravity Mineral occurrences Geochronology Geochemistry Regolith DEM Satellite imagery (TM, Spot) Aerial photography Roads Rail Population centres Airstrips Pipelines Drainage Land tenure Mineral and petroleum leases Cultural features Utilities (power, water, sewerage, telecoms) Weather Sources: in-house national geological survey state geological survey national land information group state land information group commercial providers consultants IM applications: GIS IPS RDBMS Modelling tools
Geoscience hopes of SDIs: Improved access to modelling and decision support tools Reduced data discovery, access and management costs Increased confidence through formalised licence, IP, copyright systems and data custodian responsibilities.
In the mid-1980s In the late-1990s Industry developed large data management sections, including GIS, RDBMS and IP experts Industry downsized by outsourcing or discarding data management ~ not core business. Private sector: In the early-1990s Industry expanded activities in previously high- risk countries.
Public sector (Aust): Mid 1990s Australian National Geoscience Information System Late 1990s - “standards by stealth”, dissemination of database structures, authority tables, data dictionaries etc CGGC commitment to seamless integration of Commonwealth and State data through “Geoscience Australia” Similar commitment underlying AusDIN
AusDINGDIN Community State/ Territory NationWorld Data Information News agencies ASDILSDI ReliefWebEMA Local relief COE - Hawaii APSDI Region GSDI Theme Thematic networks: APDIN
Decision support
* Road and drainage data courtesy of ERSIS Risk modelling
Issues Technology: slow vendor uptake of web technology lack of desktop-web transfer tools (OGC portrayal?) need data access rather than just delivery slow development of modelling tools (eg HAZUS, Ore Deposit models, cf agriculture)
Institutional issues: licensing, IP, liability, copyright, pricing GSDI legal working group † concentration on data as competitive advantage protection of interpretation role (liability?) Issues (2)
Issues (3) Client issues: more faith in continuity/quality of supply more involvement/feedback
Key points Geoscience data needs to be integrated with other spatial data for most uses - sector has a lot to gain from SDI. User needs have changed across exploration, hazards, land management. Data management not core business for users EM focus shift from response to mitigation Requirement for integrated packages - (NLWRA, RFA, Community Risk) Information networks may drive SDIs
People are making money out of SDIs - eg petroleum industry. Need a focus on solutions, not just data. Key points (2)