Theme Bell-Ringer for Today 1. What was your favorite feature of E- Design? 2. Why is it important to tag every photo when they are uploaded? 3. What theme do you think would look best for the yearbook?
Great Job Last Time! O Behavior was so great I added points to both teams O I need to collect the following articles from reporters and editors: Cross Country, Volleyball, & Fall Festival O Those who did not execute their job will receive 0’s O Turn in your 7 names if you have not already!
What is a theme? O The subject or Topic O Sets the tone O Provides an overall setting or ambiance O Communicates an idea or a series of ides
Examples of Themes O Cowboy themed room
What’s the difference? What feeling did each room exude?
More about Themes O Companies always use themes in their marketing to appeal best to their target market or “demographic.” O The colors, fonts, and graphic images all communicate a message about the product or service. O Themes make products less chaotic, and more precise about the overall feeling they’re communicating.
Describing Words O Many times using a few describing words helps us to define the theme better. O Here is an example….
Four words to create a theme for this could be: -peaceful –wide open space –environmental -simple
Now you try! Come up with 3 words to describe the theme of the following photos.
Now Picture Our Yearbook O What theme do you want our yearbook to have? O Write down your top 3 describing words for what you want it to look like.
Keep those words in mind O You will see 12 different options for the cover, spine, and back of the book. O Decide which will portray the theme you are wanting. O Pick your top 3 of the following cover options!
Now that you have your top 3 O You can look at the design book if you’d like, but you need to narrow down your 3 options to the best choice for you. O Which one best describes the theme you like?
I will count the votes and reveal to you next time what our cover and theme is going to be!
PREPARE FOR NEXT TIME! O Next class period we are turning in all of our notes & bell-ringers so far! O Get everything together, and if you don’t have a note sheet come get it from me. O We are also reviewing and testing next time on what we’ve learned so far! O I’m warning you now so you can be prepared!
Make sure you have the following O All bell-ringers so far in this class O All Notes so far in this class (both handwritten and printed) O Read over your notes on the following topics we’ve covered so far: Theme, E-Design, Sales, Ethics, Reporting, Photography, Vocabulary, the Ladder, & Page Inclusion.