Iraq Notes Use a separate sheet of paper Answer the question below: 1.Which would be easier to respond to, state sponsored terrorism, or religiously motivated terrorism? Explain your answer. 9/11/2001 The United States was attacked by al Qaeda on 9/11/2001 from Afghanistan Hijackers 19 total 15 from Saudi Arabia 2 from United Arab Emirates None from Afghanistan or Iraq
Grades Pass back work –Focus Writing #10 –Merchants of Cool –Demand reading –Analyzing Trade Cartoons –Irish Potato Famine – HW –Late work Last day for late work – Wednesday: 6/16 Material for final is all on my web site
White House Debates "They will hand over the terrorists or they will share in their fate. Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there." – George W. Bush In the days following 9/11 the Bush administration debated how to respond. Should we attack Afghanistan and/or Iraq?
Iraq War Timeline Read through the timeline 1.Label mistakes (M) and successes (S). 2.Identify the biggest mistake(s) and biggest success(es) of the United States in Iraq and your reasons for picking each at the end. 3.Write a brief (3-5 sentence) summary of the U.S. intervention in Iraq at the end.