THE TRADITIONAL ISP Paid services (Ross Clayton, Infoweb)Paid services (Ross Clayton, Infoweb) Dial-up services (Linkserve, Pinet, Cyberspace etc)Dial-up services (Linkserve, Pinet, Cyberspace etc) Lease Circuit (Nitel 64 Kbps)Lease Circuit (Nitel 64 Kbps) Wireless Internet Service (Wi-Fi, WiMax etc).Wireless Internet Service (Wi-Fi, WiMax etc).
INTERNET SERVICE DEVELOPMENT BROADBAND INTERNET SERVICE Kbps High speed lease 2 MbpsHigh speed lease 2 Mbps Wi-Fi / WiMax from 11 / 54 MbpsWi-Fi / WiMax from 11 / 54 Mbps ADSL up to 2 MbpsADSL up to 2 Mbps OthersOthers
LICENSED ISP – THE STATISTICS About 600 licensed by NCCAbout 600 licensed by NCC Less than 10% in operation profitablyLess than 10% in operation profitably Half of functional ones are operated by Telecoms OperatorsHalf of functional ones are operated by Telecoms Operators Less than 100,000 Nigerians have internet access outside of office and cybercafeLess than 100,000 Nigerians have internet access outside of office and cybercafe Average speed of access is 32 KbpsAverage speed of access is 32 Kbps Concentration in Urban areasConcentration in Urban areas
INTERNET – THE CATALYST OF CONVERGENCE Internet is the vehicle for faster integration of Voice, Data and VideoInternet is the vehicle for faster integration of Voice, Data and Video Internet Provides Cheaper Cost of Infrastructure Roll out (e.g, IP Switch)Internet Provides Cheaper Cost of Infrastructure Roll out (e.g, IP Switch) Consumer price crasher due to Mass market.Consumer price crasher due to Mass market.
ISP LICENCE – LOSING THE FETTERS ISP licence restricted to internet service delivery – dataISP licence restricted to internet service delivery – data ISP Licence is dependent on other Network provider wired or wirelessISP Licence is dependent on other Network provider wired or wireless ISP licence considered as Value Added Service (and used as such by other Telcos to subsidise their core business)ISP licence considered as Value Added Service (and used as such by other Telcos to subsidise their core business) ISP licence are too many and fragmentedISP licence are too many and fragmented
UNIFIED LICENCE – THE ISP ROLE Voice Over IPVoice Over IP Video on DemandVideo on Demand Music on DemandMusic on Demand Content ProvisionContent Provision Bandwidth on DemandBandwidth on Demand Mobility ChallengeMobility Challenge
SURVIVING THE COMPETITION & SUSTAINING THE TERRITORY Access to Capital Funds – an impedimentAccess to Capital Funds – an impediment Rapid change in Technology – quick obsolescenceRapid change in Technology – quick obsolescence Relative high cost of CPE compared with CDMARelative high cost of CPE compared with CDMA Mobility – LOS & NLOSMobility – LOS & NLOS QOSQOS Speed and BandwidthSpeed and Bandwidth Public Orientation – diversified use of internetPublic Orientation – diversified use of internet
RESCUING THE PERISHING State Accelerated Broadband Initiative (SABI)State Accelerated Broadband Initiative (SABI) Nigeria Internet Exchange (NIX)Nigeria Internet Exchange (NIX) Installing Network Status – the implicationsInstalling Network Status – the implications Numbering plan for VoIPNumbering plan for VoIP Wire Nigeria project (WIN)Wire Nigeria project (WIN)
ISP – ROAD TO RECOVERY Nigerian Internet Exchange Point (NIX)Nigerian Internet Exchange Point (NIX) Nigeria Wi-Fi AllianceNigeria Wi-Fi Alliance Bulk IP wholesale – SAT3 & VSATBulk IP wholesale – SAT3 & VSAT State Accelerated Broadband InitiativeState Accelerated Broadband Initiative
THANK YOU Engr. Sam. A. Adeleke (C. Eng, MIEE, FNSE) Managing Director / CEO Steineng Limited, Ibadan. President, Internet Service Providers Association of Nigeria, Tel : ,