Trinidad & Tobago Presentation on the Targeted Conditional Cash Transfer Programme (TCCTP)
Introduction The Targeted Conditional Cash Transfer Programme ( TCCTP ) was introduced in Trinidad and Tobago in August 2006 The Targeted Conditional Cash Transfer Programme ( TCCTP ) was introduced in Trinidad and Tobago in August 2006 The implementation of the Programme is in keeping with the Vision 2020 Developmental Pillar: Nurturing a Caring Society. The implementation of the Programme is in keeping with the Vision 2020 Developmental Pillar: Nurturing a Caring Society. The specific goals of this developmental pillar to which the TCCTP applies are: to Significantly reduce poverty and, to Build strong families and strong communities. The specific goals of this developmental pillar to which the TCCTP applies are: to Significantly reduce poverty and, to Build strong families and strong communities.
Introduction The TCCTP can also be considered to be in tandem with ensuring social protection, since it provides the mechanism to support persons through, and take them out of their state of vulnerability to self- sustainability. The TCCTP can also be considered to be in tandem with ensuring social protection, since it provides the mechanism to support persons through, and take them out of their state of vulnerability to self- sustainability. There are currently approximately direct beneficiaries of the Programme. There are currently approximately direct beneficiaries of the Programme.
The Programme CCTP is informed by the Puente programme. The TCCTP is informed by the Puente programme. TCCTP targets families who are unable to meet their daily nutritional requirements and to a great extent, those who are existing in conditions of poverty. TCCTP targets families who are unable to meet their daily nutritional requirements and to a great extent, those who are existing in conditions of poverty. The unit of focus is the family/household, and as such the intention is to treat with the need of all members of the family. The unit of focus is the family/household, and as such the intention is to treat with the need of all members of the family.
The Programme The application for admission into the programme capture detailed information on the primary applicant as well as all members of the family unit/household. Based on an assessment of the situation of the family of TTCard recipient, the services of relevant divisions and agencies are bought to bear to ensure the strengthening of the family.
The Programme Beneficiaries are provided with a TTCard via which they are provided with monthly cash credits of predetermined values, based family size, for the purchase of nutritious food items from participating grocers The value of the card is automatically credited on the 1 st day of each month Beneficiaries are not allowed to use the TTCard to purchase cigarettes, alcohol, alcoholic beverages
The Programme The conditional aspect of the programme requires that recipients of the TTCard participate in developmental Programmes that would allow them to become self-sustainable. The developmental aspect of the Programme includes: access to technical/vocational skills and academic training, life skills training, financial management, family planning, parenting, small business development and entrepreneurial skills.
The Programme Access to credit is also available to participants who have the capability and desire to establish their own business enterprises. As a condition for being a beneficiary of the TCCTP, participants would be required to contract with the Ministry of Social Development to engage in the developmental activities that would contribute to their empowerment and socio-economic well being.
Reorientation of the Programme It is recognized that there is need for a reorientation of the programme to have it streamlined according to the Puente model. Accordingly, the following have been done: Institutional strengthening of the TCCTP Division: Staff numbers bought closer to full strength, efforts are also being made to built the capacity of staff. The use of IT: Information on all the beneficiaries have been computerized; this represent a critical phase in electronic case management. This would facilitate more effective tracking and monitoring the progress of beneficiaries of the Programme.