Poetry is a style of writing in which the writing itself evokes emotion and conjures up imagery.
It often has a rhythm and uses literary devices.
Historically, poetry was used by story tellers to convey history. In such poetry rhythm and voice were used to create literature.
This form of story-telling was almost musical. Therefore, some modern music can be considered poetry.
Poetry is artistically rendering words in such a way as to evoke intense emotion.
Poetry is imagination…It is the Art of English
“Poetry is man’s rebellion against being what he is.” James Branch Campbell
Things we need to look for in poetry… allusion - a reference made to another literary work, historical event or a work of art.
Symbolism When an author uses an object or idea to suggest more than its literal meaning. A person, place, or event stands for something other than it is, usually something broader or deeper than it is. Ex: White
Diction The words chosen for the specific piece will have a reason for their inclusion. The right words are chosen for the right meaning. Watcha gonna do when the world's on fire? Run like hell and holler, "Fire!" Blind Lemon Jefferson
Speaker The speaker of the poem. Be careful, this is often not the poet, but a character created by the poet. If it is the poet directly speaking it is what is called “confessional poetry”.
Old Elm Speaks It is as I told you, Young Sapling. It will take autumns of patience before you snag your first moon.
We Real Cool - Gwendolyn Brooks THE POOL PLAYERS. SEVEN AT THE GOLDEN SHOVEL. We real cool. We Left school. We Lurk late. We Strike straight. We Sing sin. We Thin gin. We Jazz June. We Die soon.
Subject and Tone As yourself - Use imagery to describe: Feeling bad In love Out of love Pressure from parents Pressure to do something you don’t want to do Anger
“Poetry is feeling – not knowing or believing or thinking”. e.e. cummings
In writing poetry you must consider two things: Communicate Needs an aesthetic dimension – sound, form, imagery or wordplay to convey emotion or purpose
Fish Hook You fit into me Like a hook into an eye A fish hook An open eye
Sympathetic Contract According to John Ciardi every poem – by its choice of tone and attitude – is a mask the poet wears. The reader must be able to enter into a sympathetic contract with the text (invest in it) or the poem is a dud. One common way the sympathetic contract is broken is with sentimentality…sentimentality’s intent is to stimulate emotions and not authentically.
Sentimentality = cliché…big no no!