The UK’s European university New entrants Director of PSI
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UGFT Home/EuOSTotal History Psychology Politics & IR Biosciences Economics Computing KLS Page 3 Home/EuOSTotal CEWL EDA KBS Home/EuOSTotal KBS19120 Home/EuOSTotal SMFA Canterbury Medway
PGTFT Page 4 Canterbury Medway Home/EuOSTotal Architecture10 20 Arts10616 Politics & IR9716 Psychology10515 Home/EuOSTotal SMFA7310 SPSSR100 Home/EuOSTotal KBS SMSAS EDA KLS-24-25
The UK’s European university League Tables & NSS Director of PSI
UK League Tables Footer text Page 6
UK League tables StrengthsWeaknesses Research intensity, Value added Good honours SSR Student satisfaction Entry Standards Spend per student Footer text Page 7
NSS University of Kent 2015 % Satisfaction yoy difference % satisfaction 2015 rank yoy diff. rank 2015 quartile yoy diff. quartile Teaching88%41-22SecondDown Assessment & Feedback 73%049-8SecondSame Academic Support83%+143SecondSame Organisation & Management 85%014-2TopSame Learning Resources87%055-15SecondSame Personal Development81%94-22BottomDown Overall Satisfaction89% TopSame Footer text Page 8
% agree trend by theme Footer text Page 9
Rank trend by theme Footer text Page 10
World League Tables Footer text Page 11 QS Rank 2015 Academic Reputation 401+ Employer Reputation401+ Student-to-Faculty Ratio 401+ Citations per Faculty401+ International Faculty93 International Students 97 Overall rank 360 THE World Rank Research463 Industry income684 Teaching482 Citations324 International outlook 66 Overall rank
World League Tables StrengthsWeaknesses International make-up of the staff and student populations Academic / employer reputation Research income from industry Footer text Page 12