General Surgeon (Biology Major) New York City vs. Charlotte JOSEPH TORTORA
Overview of General Surgery Having a central core of knowledge embracing anatomy, physiology, metabolism, immunology, nutrition, pathology, wound healing, shock and resuscitation, intensive care, and neoplasia, which are common to all surgical specialties. A general surgeon has specialized knowledge and experience related to the diagnosis, preoperative, operative, and postoperative management, including the management of complications, in nine primary components of surgery. Having value to the patient, family physicians, and health plans. Broad training in diverse areas keeps the general surgeon essential in today's market. Document or review patients' histories.
New York City ($120,000) General Surgeon after completing residency Charlotte ($98,000) $3,000Apartment for Two (utilities included) $1800 $270Groceries$250 $113.50Monthly Train Pass$80 $150Restaurants (eating out 4 X month) $100 $335Health Insurance$245 $65Basketball Tickets (entertainment) $60 $120.96Gas (Filling up twice a month) $ $100Gym Membership$ %Sales Tax7% $74,720Disposable Income$88,714
Medical School To become a surgeon it is required that you graduate from Medical School with a specialization in the field that you wish to go into. In Medical School a student prepares to deliver sufficient treatment on patients in the foreseeable future. Medical school is four years long and because of the amount of time and money it costs a person should know that they are dedicated to medicine before beginning this process.
Advantage of Medical School It is required for surgeons to go to medical school. It is an extremely competitive place to get into, but there are many rewards. Requires discipline to stick out the medical school and residency process. The money one would spend on medical school can put you in debt, but if you use the education to your advantage you can use your degree to alleviate the debt in the future.