CODE OF BEHAVIOR Learning Outcomes Students will be able to: l Identify behaviors which break the Code of Behavior, and behaviors that could lead to expulsion from school. l List the different types of harassment as stated in the Code of Behavior. l Compare and contrast cheating and plagiarism.
Code of Behavior Information Drugs and Alcohol Violations Located on Page 14 in the COB
A substance abuse offense is a serious infraction of the Prince William County Public Schools Code of Behavior. A substance abuse offense includes the possession, use, being under the influence, distribution, or attempted/intended distribution of: l Alcohol, non-alcoholic brews, alcohol products or alcohol containers l Illegal, prescription, and over the counter drugs l Remember all medications should be on file in the School Nurse( Mrs. Brodie’s) Office. A Medication Form needs to be on file l All illegal drug offenses will be reported to the police
CODE OF BEHAVIOR Prohibited Substances Continued This rule applies at Bus Stops, Public Property open to public use within 1000 ft of a school bus stop. If drugs are used outside of school time and result in a disruption to the school’s operation then student(s) may be subject to disciplinary actions.
COB Rules & Regulations COB Rules & Regulations Weapons Violations In order to assure the safety and welfare of students, staff, and community, weapons and other prohibited items are banned from school activities or school-related activities regardless of where the activity takes place. Information is located on page 15 in COB.
CODE OF BEHAVIOR Some Examples of Weapons and Prohibited Objects Knives of any kind Guns of any type to include toys, Ammo, or casings for ammo, Darts, and throwing objects, Chemical agents such as pepper spray, explosive devices (bombs), tear gas and fireworks.
WEAPON! FOR THE SAFETY OF OTHERS Report it to any staff member in the building
FIGHTING No physical contact/ to include h orseplay / playing around which causes injury or disruption Students are responsible for settling confrontations in a peaceful manner. This can be done with the assistance of all school personnel. COB page 9
WHEN DOES THE CODE OF BEHAVIOR APPLY? l School activities on property owned by the school board l School buses and at the bus stop l Off-site school sponsored activities (i.e., field trips, sporting events, club activities, etc.) l To and from school (includes walkers path) l Information located on page 3 COB
CODE OF BEHAVIOR Cheating and Plagiarism l Students may not give or receive unauthorized assistance ( written, verbal, or otherwise) on tests, exams, or class work that are to be graded as the work of a single individual without teacher approval. l Examples include copying a computer file, work from a friend at lunch, or information from the internet and turning it in as your work. COB page 8
SCHOOL BUS REMINDERS l Get on your bus promptly in the afternoon. Buses will leave at 3:00 pm. l No!!!!! Profanity, moving around the bus, throwing objects, food or drink, horseplay, standing up while the bus is moving. l Riding the school bus is a privilege. l COB page 13 PWC Public Schools SCHOOL
Bullying/ Harassment l Actions that in any way result in the physical, verbal, sexual or emotional abuse of others will not be tolerated. l Cyberbullying- use of computers, cell phones and other electronic devices to include e-books and PWC internet. l Threats- oral, written and electronic. l Teasing, insults, gossip, degrading language toward others.. l If you observe bullying behavior it is your duty to report or help to stop the observed behavior. l Class meetings in advisory will be held throughout the year. l COB Page 8
CODE OF BEHAVIOR Dress Code l Wear appropriate clothes to school. l If you think your clothes are inappropriate then they are. Use common sense! l COB page 11
CODE OF BEHAVIOR Dress Code Continued l Do not wear beach wear, tank tops, strapless tops, plunging necklines, pajamas, slippers, bandanas, ragged or torn jeans, tight and short shorts, clothing which reveals under garments No bare midriffs!!!!!!! l All shirts must have sleeves. No three finger rule for straps l Clothes which refer to sex, drugs, weapons, or alcohol are not permitted. Jewelry or other items which could be regarded as or used as weapons (i.e. belt buckles, studded belts, and collars) are not permitted).
CODE OF BEHAVIOR Communication Devices l Wireless communication devices may be used on school buses provided the device does not distract the driver, compromise safety, or violate other school bus rules and regulations. l Possession of communication devices by students on school grounds is a privilege. BYOD policy l Communication devices are to be turned off, and placed in your locker during the school day. 8:00 am.-3:00pm. No texting during the day. l The school is NOT responsible for lost or stolen devices. l COB page 9
CODE OF BEHAVIOR Technology Misuse l Using, producing, distributing, or receiving profanity, obscenity, photographs, or material which bullies, harasses, offends, threatens, or degrades others. This includes cyberbullying, the intentional and/or repeated harm of others through the use of computers, cell phones, and/or other electronic or technological devices. COB page 12
CODE OF BEHAVIOR SOAR to Success at BRMS S uccess through O rganization A ttitude and R espect
CODE OF BEHAVIOR I will SOAR at BRMS! “ I will Succeed through Organization, Attitude, and Respect. I will honor and respect all members of the Bull Run Middle School community. I will not lie, cheat, or harass and will not tolerate these actions in others. I will be accountable for my actions. I believe in myself. I can make a difference,.”