CONTENTS: 1.Abstract. 2.Objective. 3.Block diagram. 4.Methodology. 5.Advantages and Disadvantages. 6.Applications. 7.Conclusion.


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Presentation transcript:

CONTENTS: 1.Abstract. 2.Objective. 3.Block diagram. 4.Methodology. 5.Advantages and Disadvantages. 6.Applications. 7.Conclusion.

1.ABSTRACT: Machine to Machine (M2M) refers to technologies that allow both wireless and wired systems to communicate with other devices of the same type. M2M is a broad term as it does not pinpoint specific wireless or wired networking, information and communications technology. This broad term is particularly used by business executives. M2M is considered an integral part of the Internet of Things (IoT) and brings several benefits to industry and business in general as it has a wide range of applications such as industrial automation, logistics, Smart Grid, Smart Cities, health, defence etc. mostly for monitoring but also for control purposes.

2.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this project to enhance the machine to machine interaction and to monitor the temperature, noise and vibration.



4. METHODOLOGY: This project is developed to reduce the work load of human beings and enhance the machine to machine interaction for failure prediction using XBee. This project contains three sensors for Temperature sensing, Noise sensing and Vibration sensing. After sensing those parameter depending on the scenario the ARM controller will take appropriate action. The main modules in this project are Sensors (Temperature Sensor LM 35, Noise Sensor and Vibration Sensor), ARM controller unit with LCD display and output device.

This transmitter model is placed with machines and receiver will there with owner. This model has three Sensors as an input device to sense the temperature, noise and vibrations and depending on the parameter measured the controller will take appropriate action. The same information will be send to the owner via XBee. The receiver will activates the outputs to indicate a sensor has detected a signal the owner has to take appropriate action.

5.ADVANTAGES AND DIASADVANTAGES: ADVANTAGES:  All the components required are easily available.  It is accurate [Errors are nullified] & precise as it is Digital.  It is much Economical compare to other analogue systems.  Manual errors can be avoided to some extent.  Automatically controlled & Easy to use.  Unnecessary wastage of electricity can be controlled to a greater extend. DISADVANTAGES:  In this project usage of relays leads to consume more power

6.APPLICATIONS:  This project can be implemented in Home, School, Colleges, and Companies etc…  Where we have to reduce the work load of a human and to enhance the machine to machine interaction for failure prediction there we can implement this project.  This can be used to monitor the weather condition also.  It can be used in industries for safety.

7.CONCLUSION: As this project is based on micro-controller(ARM7LPC2148) and this can be of great use to enhance the machine to machine interaction for failure prediction via XBee and activates the buzzer if something goes wrong. From this project we can say like we have saved valuable things.