Delivering independent intelligence for health and wellbeing National Drug (and Alcohol) Treatment Monitoring System Jill Smith Public Health Liaison Manager North East Public Health Observatory NDTMS Dataset
Delivering independent intelligence for health and wellbeing NDTMS Dataset Dataset consists of 4 separate areas of data Client - Episode - Modality - TOP Relationship:- n 1 n 1 n NB: Treatment Journeys combine data from all agencies……. ClientEpisode TOP Modality
Delivering independent intelligence for health and wellbeing NDTMS Dataset 3 Different Datasets:- Adult Drug Services Adult Alcohol Services Young People Services (Drugs, Alcohol & Solvents) Record different interventions, referral sources, accommodation need, and additional YP fields. *See laminated reference data sheets for Adults (drugs/alcohol) and YP
Delivering independent intelligence for health and wellbeing NDTMS Dataset – Which to Choose? It is the setting, not the client which determines the dataset to use. An adult attending a YP service will be recorded under the YP dataset A YP attending an Adult service will be recorded under the Adult dataset
Delivering independent intelligence for health and wellbeing NDTMS Dataset – Young People services Additional questions at presentation Additional questions at discharge Discharge destination
Delivering independent intelligence for health and wellbeing NDTMS Dataset – Adult Alcohol Services NATMS – Alcohol dataset “ The NATMS Subset of the NDTMS Data Set consists of 32 data items. The full NDTMS Data Set for completion by Adult Drug Treatment Providers is a larger dataset and contains a number of additional data items that are collected for regional purposes. Adult Alcohol Treatment Providers new to NDTMS should collect at least the Alcohol Subset (i.e. the data items listed in this document) and are encouraged to collect the other data items (listed in Ref[2]) where relevant. Providers currently reporting to the NDTMS should continue to provide all items of the NDTMS Data Set for their alcohol clients. “Providers currently reporting to the NDTMS should continue to provide all items of the NDTMS Data Set for their alcohol clients” NTA: Business Definitions for Adult Alcohol Treatment Services Different Modalities May be new fields later in 2011 or 2012 (Audit Score, Binge Days, Smoking & Treatment Goal and more Tier 2 interventions))
Delivering independent intelligence for health and wellbeing NDTMS Dataset – Changing Values All fields should be completed (ish). (Including 3 main drug fields) Some fields should be reviewed Some fields should be completed at discharge Some fields can be completed after discharge Garbage in ~ Garbage out Analysis and information jeopardised when fields left blank
Delivering independent intelligence for health and wellbeing NDTMS Dataset – Changing Values Reviewable Data Fields BBV information (Hep B & C) Demographics (Postcode, DAAT, PCT, LA) TOP Care Coordinator General Healthcare date