Iowa Department of Education Overview ISEA Summer Leadership Conference July 28, 2015
Purpose Start with Why
Mission and Vision Creating excellence in education through leadership and service. Mission Iowa learners experience high levels of success and develop the capacity to continually grow as successful, healthy, and productive citizens in a global community. Vision
Role of the Department Partner with stakeholders to effectively implement federal and state education policy. Provide and interpret information and data to support transparency, accountability and continuous improvement. Communicate a compelling and consistent vision. Convene critical conversations. Pilot and scale promising practices.
Director Priorities TLC Planning and Implementation Early Literacy Rigorous Academic Standards Review and Implementation Statewide Assessment System Transition Attendance Center Rankings and Differentiated Accountability
Other Key Issues Innovative Learning – CBE, ILO and STEM Educator Development Career and Technical Education Modernization College and Career Readiness/ Workforce-Education Alignment
Questions & Discussion