What do you think Self-Awareness means? (answer in your spiral)
It’s having an understanding about who you really are. To be self-aware, we have to stop long enough to reflect on ourselves. Now this is different from stopping and thinking about what others say about us. This is thinking about what we know about ourselves and in the process, trying to become more self- aware. To be self-aware, we have to know ourselves and be aware of what is going on with us. We need to know what is causing what is going on and also be aware of what we can do about what is going on.
It would not be cool to come out of the bathroom with toilet paper stuck to the bottom of your shoe or with your zipper down and everyone know it except you. Self- awareness is a great thing. But, it is true, some people don’t have a clue and they go through life dumber than dirt.
But just think about it. We all have things about ourselves that we need to be aware of. For instance, some people talk too much and some talk too loudly, some interrupt while others are talking. Some people are shy, while others tend to dominate situations. Some are almost always late. Also, some people are considerate of others, some people are always happy, and some are quick to offer an encouraging word.
Now, for the big question: How do we become more self-aware? 1. Let’s think for a minute about something we do well. It doesn’t really matter what it is, and it’s not important that you be the very best in the world at doing it. What matters is that you be able to identify something that you do well. Write it down in your spiral.
2. Now let’s do the same thing with something negative– something that you feel you need to change or do differently or maybe not do at all. Write it down in your spiral. 3. Think for a minute about yourself physically and think of something that you like about yourself. Write it down in your spiral.
If I asked you to think of many things in lots of different areas of your life, could you do it and would you be right in what you were thinking? The goal is for all of us to become more self- aware.
Self-Awareness. Each of us must go through this process if we are to grow. 1. Think of some of the things you would get from developing self-awareness and how it can make a difference in your life. (Write it in your spiral) 2. Think of people who are not self-aware and what this has done in their life. (Write it down in your spiral) 3. Think of people who have self-awareness and what it has done for them. (Write it down in your spiral)
People with low self-awareness do not grow. They are not able to address the issues in their lives, and they stay where they are– doing what they have always done, and then wondering why their life is not going where they want it to go. Being self-aware is the first step to personal growth.
It’s as they say, If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got.” That’s why we say that in order to grow we must first…Get a clue! Get Self-Aware and Get Ahead!