Peasants By Matt King, Emma Knight, Asha Opal, and Alec Roux
What are the three seasons of Egypt? The three seasons of Egypt are the flooding season, the planting season, and the harvesting season. All of the seasons, the peasants did different work for each season. In the next three slides, you will see the different work for each season.
The Flooding Season In the flooding season, the peasants didn’t work in their owners fields, but they worked on the pharaohs monuments and temples. This season started in June.In the flooding season, the peasants didn’t work in their owners fields, but they worked on the pharaohs monuments and temples. This season started in June.
The Planting Season In the planting season, they did exactly what it says. They planted their crops in their land owners fields. In their free time (they didn’t have a lot of it) the men played a game where they tried to knock each other off the logs in the river. This season started in October.In the planting season, they did exactly what it says. They planted their crops in their land owners fields. In their free time (they didn’t have a lot of it) the men played a game where they tried to knock each other off the logs in the river. This season started in October.
The Harvesting Season In the harvesting season, the peasants harvested all of the crops that they grew in the planting season. Their main crops were barley and wheat. Everyone worked from dawn to dusk. This season started in March.In the harvesting season, the peasants harvested all of the crops that they grew in the planting season. Their main crops were barley and wheat. Everyone worked from dawn to dusk. This season started in March.
What Role Did Music Play In The Work Of The Peasants? When they were working in any season, they sang to make the time go faster. They pretty much just wanted time to go faster.
What Were Possible Punishments Or Rewards For Peasants During Harvest Season? If they didn’t have enough crops to pay their taxes, they could be brutally beaten. If they had a good harvest season, their land owners would let them take as much left over crops as they could.If they didn’t have enough crops to pay their taxes, they could be brutally beaten. If they had a good harvest season, their land owners would let them take as much left over crops as they could.
What Was The Typical Diet Of The Peasants in Ancient Egypt? The typical diet of the peasants consisted of onions, cucumbers, fish, homemade bread, and water or beer. In times of famine they boiled down stalks of papyrus.The typical diet of the peasants consisted of onions, cucumbers, fish, homemade bread, and water or beer. In times of famine they boiled down stalks of papyrus.
What Other Important Information Should Kids Know About Peasants? The peasants, although they were on the bottom of the social pyramid, they were probably one of the most important classes of all.The peasants, although they were on the bottom of the social pyramid, they were probably one of the most important classes of all.
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