ANDY FREY, JAN KUTTER, & SANDRA SARMIENTO JUNE 27 TH, 2011 The Changing Roles of School Social Work
National Trends in Student Support Research, Practice, & Policy Evidence- based Practice Knowledge about what works Response to Intervention Positive Behavior Support NCLBIDEIA
Institute of Education Sciences: 2011 Priorities Expand range of educational outcomes Advance understanding of educational and learning processes Development of standards of evidence Improve measurement of key aspects of educational process Increase capacity of LEAs to conduct research and evaluation
Continuum of Mental Health Strategies National Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention Education Development Center, Inc., Health and Human Development Division
3 Components of the Whole School Approach
Public Health Approach Focuses on the largest possible groups of people Emphasizes preventative approaches Identifies and addresses risk factors Employs evidence based interventions (EBIs) Focuses on strengthening protective factors Coordinates and integrates services Evaluated the effectiveness of interventions
Implications for New Roles Emphasis on indirect service model – Addressing attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors of school personnel – Coordinator of EBPs – Technical support for school and district-wide applications (i.e., training, data-based decision-making) – Evaluation, including treatment integrity Direct services – Provide some indicated/tertiary prevention – Coordinate community resources for treatment and maintenance
Social Work and RTI/PBIS PBIS – A 3 tiered system of supports for all students, kindergarten through high school. The problem solving model The school social work role- traditional versus response to intervention The East Aurora evolution of the traditional social work model to the current practices of PBIS implementation
Changing Role in the School Setting Pre-existing knowledge Students’ mental health needs increasing-define the school social worker role as it relates to educational impact. (Just one view) Mental Health Act of 2003 PBIS Social emotional learning standards Provide more school supports
Changing Roles (Cont) Move from individual services to groups Professional development for social workers and school staff Discussion with administration regarding impact Change in job descriptions- (next year) Traditional role or changing role Use skills effectively Teach staff skill set to use for detection of problems Focus on prevention to stop continual crisis Run groups directed by data-SWIS Use problem solving model to reduce numbers of social history Use secondary team as referral rather than individual except for crisis intervention Not have IEP minutes define time job Part of the team for FBA/BIP development rather than the only person
Next Steps Discuss the changing roles with universities to have curriculum include: Data management Changing roles Social emotional curriculum Questions/thoughts:
Resources Research on the Relationship Between Mental Health and Academic Achievement. National Association of School Psychologists, c-MentalHealthLinks.pdf c-MentalHealthLinks.pdf Realizing the Promise of the whole-school approach to children’s mental health: A practical guide for schools
Resources Reducing Problem Behaviors in the Elementary School Classroom: A Practice Guide (NCEE # )- es/behavior_pg_ pdf es/behavior_pg_ pdf ml ml
Resources Existing federal programs that provide resources Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Program Grants for the Integration of Schools and Mental Health Systems IDEA Safe Schools/Healthy Students Systems of Care