Angela Wacker, MA, MSIS December 2010 North Carolina A & T University
“How do we as information professionals effectively increase these literacy skills with such a diverse audience of students that we may never meet?”
Embedded Librarianship Web 2.0 Evaluation & Assessment
GOOD STARTWHAT IS MISSING? Library website On-line chat Access Reference Library orientation Skill development Engagement Interaction
Engage with instructor Develop customized class plan Reference assistance Research skills Evaluation of resources Citation guidance Tools available
Right tool Instruct faculty/students Promote student creation
Specify goals and objectives How will you measure? What do you do with the results? What are plans for ongoing assessment?
Online Portfolio Blog Prezi Presentation Slide Share Thank you!
Facebook MySpace Ning* Networking Google Talk Skype Chatting Google Sites Blogger Wordpress Blog/Web
Wordle & VisuwordsWordleVisuwords Mindomo EyePlorer Visual Learning Toondoo Sumopaint Posterous Creation Google Docs Scribblar PBWorks Collaboration
Jing Camtasia* FlashDemoBuilder* Tutorials Prezi PowerPoint Scribd Presentations SAILS WASSAIL Other online assessments Info Lit Evaluation