Social and Emotional Wellness Board of Education Presentation September 1, 2009
Tonight’s Outcomes Highlight Social/Emotional Wellness as part of the DCSD End Statement 1.6 Share DCSD exemplars: Positive Behavior Support (PBS) Crisis Response Team Suicide Prevention Outline next steps
Creating Responsible Citizens
Address the Whole Child Improved Learning Improved Behavior Research Demonstrates Strong Links Between Social, Emotional, and Academic Development
Prevention is Critical PREVENTION = increasing strengths (protective factors) AND reducing problems
Outcomes of Social and Emotional Learning in Schools 1.Create learning environments that are: safe caring well-managed participatory 2.Provide social and emotional competency instruction: Self-awareness Self-management Social awareness Relationship skills Responsible decision-making Greater attachment to school Less risky behavior and more assets and positive development Better academic performance Caring, capable, responsible, motivated citizens Success in life
DCSD Structures Supporting End Statement 1.6 Realignment in Learning Services to create Student Wellness Department Student Attendance Review Boards in each feeder area Alternatives for students needing different educational environments District Crisis Response Team Membership on numerous community and state coalitions focusing on the social and emotional needs of students
Programs for Social Norming campaigns in 89% of secondary schools Community wide suicide prevention efforts PLC days and webinars devoted to training Student Wellness employees Focus on healthy activities from 3 p.m. - 6 p.m. Positive Behavior Support (PBS) resources and training Safe and Drug Free and Expelled and At-Risk grant programs Y.E.S.S through Douglas County Sheriff’s Dept. Great Body Shop in 15 elementary schools
Highlights of Social and Emotional Learning in DCSD PBS Crisis Response Suicide Prevention
Positive Behavior Support Provides a framework to help students acquire the knowledge and abilities to be responsible citizens who contribute to our society.
Implementation of PBS
Truancy and Tardy rates Ranch View Middle School
DCSD Crisis Response 26 members from DCSD, Parker Police Department, Castle Rock Police Department and the Douglas County Sheriff’s Department Highly trained in crisis response - use national models and standards Respond with interdisciplinary teams Assist students and adults after tragic events and reinforce/teach life long coping skills Respond to 1-4 deaths/crisis per week, two parent suicides per month
Suicide Prevention - Programs Suicide Risk Assessments Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) Signs of Suicide (SOS) School Suicide Prevention Specialists (American Association of Suicidology) Second Wind Fund - Kiwanis of Castle Pines Text-a-Tip and Safe2Tell anonymous reporting Improved protocols with law enforcement/hospitals
Suicide Prevention - Community Partnerships Kiwanis of Castle Pines Local Hospitals Arapahoe Douglas Mental Health Network Law enforcement DC Youth Initiative Highlands Behavioral Health Private therapists Colorado State Office of Suicide Prevention Faith Community
Next Steps Continue to promote community-based collaboration Focus on prevention efforts that build protective factors in youth Utilize evidenced-based practices that build capacity at the feeder level Use media to educate and promote resiliency and healthy choices Work with all levels of the organization and the HAC to develop a comprehensive Student Wellness Plan