On the importance of building effective partnership Celebrating the contribution of Welsh African Diasporas in International development- challenges, opportunities and lessons learnt 17 th October 2015, Butetown History and Arts Centre Professor George Karani, Professor of Environmental Health & Chair of Africa Partnership Initiative
Effective Partnership-1 Start small, grow together and share equally the outcomes. Evaluate what is known about the issues and possible solutions ‘if there are problems in community, the solution is likely to be found within the community.’ Collaborate and consult with African diaspora -Leadership is local and “Africans will sort out Africa’s problems”.
Effective Partnership-2 Involve local and national governments, including community leaders- Embassies and representatives of governments Take calculated risks, be innovative and admit when wrong Goal specific with role of each partner agreed -Country ownership is about shifting the balance from dependence to symbiosis between donors and partner countries.(Drogittis and Oomann 2010).
Effective Partnership-3 Treat with respect your partners and collaborators including community leaders and workers-share information, resources and data. -Developing countries are able to take the lead and own the solutions – and are supported by international, national and local partnerships based on mutual respect (Crisp 2007). Respect the experience and knowledge of all partners -Mutually beneficial relationship Resource for new ideas and activities
Benefits Platform to share good practice and learning. Bring health and environmental issues on national and international agendas. New momentum for research and developments. Capacity building-Impact. Leadership is local. Open new doors for collaboration
Bringing partners together
CSHS in Oman and UAE –.–. UAE: Majors Hamoudi and Al Kaabi with Head of Training Oman: Abdulaziz with his supervisors Col. Ali and colleagues Chemical Defence Command seminar by George Karani
Some of our Partners in Africa Visit of PS Medical Services, Kenya Visit of VC JKUAT, Kenya Dental public health work in Ghana- Chief Dental Officer, Ghana health Service is 3 rd from left Waste management seminar, Cameroon
Drought and animals –Kenya 2008 Insufficient rain results in a barren landscape Residents forced to move from place to place in search of pasture and water Method to limit the number of animals Modern method-keeping the bucks separate from the breeding goats: 2 herdsmen ( COST) Olor- goat condom, made from cowhide or a square plastic and tied around the belly of the male goat
Goat Condom
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